  • 學位論文


The U.S. Neo-conservatism and Its Views on Taiwan Strait Policy

指導教授 : 左正東


一、本文旨在說明美國新保守主義之特質與內涵,並探討其對美國   臺海外交政策的批評、主張及影響。 二、研究主採文獻分析法。研究重點為: (一)回顧新保守主義發展歷程,說明其背景特殊、影響深遠; (二)探討新保守主義理念信仰,整理其戰略與政策主張; (三)研究新保守主義對美國臺海政策之批評與觀點,掌握具體思    維; (四)論述新保守主義思維對政策制定與臺海情勢產生之影響與意    義。 三、研究範圍係以1993年到2004年間,「新美國世紀計畫」為核心   向外幅射的新保守派代表人物著作與論述。 四、研究結果發現: (一)新保守主義視東亞為新世紀之戰略競爭區域。 (二)新保守主義主張以競爭型的「戰略圍堵」,遏阻中共威脅。    反對「交往政策」與「戰略夥伴關係」策略。 (三)新保守主義主張加強與東亞民主盟邦戰略夥伴關係,反對疏    離盟邦的「中國中心」政策。 (四)新保守主義主張在臺海應改採「戰略明確」政策,防衛民主    臺灣,維繫美國霸權,反對操作「戰略模糊」策略。 (五)新保守主義曾有絕佳機會掌握美國政府臺海政策主導權,惟    因影響力隨伊戰不利迅速滑落,具體主張未及實踐。 (六)新保守主義仍對臺海情勢帶來影響,例如1.「戰略圍堵」策    略使中共選擇避免與美國正面衝突;2.「戰略明確」策略可   能誘發了陳水扁政府冒進,導致區域緊張情勢升高。 (七)「戰略明確」策略被簡化為支持臺獨是不精確的描述,新保    守主義針對臺海情勢的核心思維為:   1.正視真實現狀、尊重民主;   2.尊重民主自決、信任民主;   3.實力維繫和平、維護民主;   4.確保美國優勢、擴張民主。 (八)新保守主義未死,只是蟄伏而已,美國主流媒體仍在關切注   視,必須繼續追蹤研究,掌握發展趨勢。


This paper surveys and investigates the ideas and impact on U.S. foreign policy directed toward the Taiwan Strait of a small but influential group of liberals who became known as the Neo-conservatives. The focus of this research is on the transformation of the Neo-conservatives from liberal Democrats to conservative Republicans, and how they have viewed and influenced the strategic debate over cross-strait issues since the Cold War. The thesis contains three main points. First, that the Neo-conservatives’ steadfast ant-communism was based on their historical experience and accompanied by a belief in the superiority of American democratic values; second, that the Neo-conservatives saw Europe as the main venue of superpower rivalry—the strategic center of gravity—during the Cold War, and now perceive that the new strategic center of concern is shifting to East Asia; and therefore thirdly, that Neo-conservatives have asserted a policy of strategic containment rather than engagement regarding China. They have sought to strengthen defensive relationships with key Asian democratic alliances instead of adopting a more “Sino-centric” approach and abandoning strategic ambiguity for the more current concept of strategic clarity. These assertions have had considerable influence on the triangle relationship between the U.S., Taiwan and China.


Samples, John, 2004, The Rise and Fall of Conservative
Blumenthal, Dan and Gary Schmitt, 2005, Don’t Belittle
Taiwan’s Effort to Defend Itself, Asian Wall Street
Journal, September 2.


