  • 學位論文


An RFID-based operation instruments system

指導教授 : 廖婉君


本研究旨在討論如何將RFID應用於手術器械管理上,需克服手術器械金屬材質對RFID所使用之無線射頻訊號之金屬屏蔽效應與多路徑反射對讀取率之影響。上萬種之器械複雜度與清潔消毒時使用的高溫、高壓及洗劑,對RFID之封裝固定也是一項嚴苛考驗。 面對這些問題,本研究選擇適當之RFID技術,以解決種種問題。另外,設計符合醫院流程使用之管理軟體,以控管手術器械使用之清點、組合與紀錄,以自動化之檢核減少人為錯誤之發生,進一步更可對紀錄加以分析管理,用於維修提醒與感染管制,具體增加病人安全。


There are many kinds of barriers occur while using RFID (Radio-frequency identification) on metal materials, such as metal shielding effect and multi-path reflection, which may affect the accuracy of tag reading. Also, there are different kinds of complex surgical instruments, sterilization procedures through high-temperature, high pressure and chemical detergent, may affect the stability of RFID tag. This study aims to introduce the use of RFID in the management of surgical instruments. To overcome the difficulty mentioned above, the study provides a solution with the application of RFID technology. And propose a software design which will fit into the clinical workflow, manage the inventory of surgical instruments automatically, to reduce human error. In addition, the checking record could be analyzed, and accommodate further alert and reminding for maintenance and infection control, which may increase patient safety.


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