  • 學位論文


Integrated Treatments Planning on Reservoir Watershed-A Case Study of Techi Reservoir

指導教授 : 黃宏斌


台灣近年來社會經濟發展蓬勃,對於水資源需求極為重要,而受到台灣地理環境之限制與環境保護意識高漲,水庫興建成本極高,開發不易,故為了降低集水區上游自然沖蝕與人為開發對於水庫之影響,減少泥砂及營養鹽之流入,以確保水庫功能並延長其使用壽命,有效辦理整治水庫集水區實為重要。 本研究對象以德基水庫集水區範圍為主,由於德基水庫為國內首座以任務編組方式專責辦理水庫集水區內各項治理工作之水庫,其委員會對於水庫集水區之整體治理規劃具有相當歷史,擁有實際整治之經驗相當豐富,可提供相關治理規劃內容研究之參考,故以德基水庫集水區之現況作為研究對象,針對其水庫集水區內整體性規劃之工作內容進行探討,提供台灣未來水庫集水區相關整治之建議。 首先進行台灣水庫集水區治理規劃之相關文獻回顧,並蒐集歷年德基水庫集水區之管理情形,加以分析討論,依此針對水庫集水區之整體治理規劃工作項目進行研究與建議,並依據德基水庫集水區之整治現況,提出未來水庫集水區治理規劃時之注意事項與可能要面對之問題挑戰,針對相關法規問題與管理體制進行探討與建議。其中治理規劃工作項目包含森林資源經營與維護、防砂工程、土地利用與水土保持、道路水土保持、水庫保護帶經營與管理、水庫淤積土石清除、農業永續經營管理、水質監測與管理、生態保育宣導等九大項目,藉由上述治理規劃項目之探討,提供台灣水庫集水區整體治理之建議策略,期維護水庫壽命,保護水庫水源、水質,使水資源有效利用,促進經濟發展。


As social and economical development grows vigorously in recent years, the water sources are regarded as extremely important need in Taiwan. Due to the upward of environmental protection consciousness and the restriction of local geographic environment, the cost of constructing reservoir becomes extremely high and the development of reservoir becomes difficult. In order to reduce the natural eroding of watershed in upstream area and the artificial development influences regarding the reservoir, it is very important to reduce the inflow of silt and nutrient salt for the guarantee of reservoir function and duration in its service life; therefore, effective managing on watershed is the first task of operating a reservoir. This study bases upon the data from Te-chi reservoir watershed for Te-chi reservoir watershed is the first domestic reservoir engineering that includes management and maintenance of forest resource, Sabo engineering, conservation practices for land uses, soil and water conservation for roads, management of reservoir protection belt, management for sustainable agriculture, dredging of deposited sediment of reservoir, monitoring and management of water quality, promulgation of ecologic conservation as well as idea of soil and water conservation. Through the review of these planning reports, researcher can provide the suggestion strategy to the reservoir watersheds in Taiwan for the maintenance of reservoir life, the protection of the water resource, the quality causes the water resources effective use and the promotion of economy development.


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