  • 學位論文


Study on the Transformation of Literary Criticism in Postwar Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜 梅家玲


論文提要 本論文著眼學術流變與外在脈絡(政治、社會、文化背景等)的交互作用,擷取戰後臺灣學術場域的幾個切片,對中西兩套文學批評話語的轇轕進行偏社會學式的考察與討論,試圖勾勒當代文學批評的發展與轉型,進而探究其原因。 首章緒論旨在帶出兩套話語碰撞的背景:晚清五四之際,中國學術發生轉型,「文學批評」此一學科成立之初便面臨西方文論與中國詩話兩套系統的齟齬;戰後臺灣特殊的政治氛圍與國家場域,影響並形塑了中文系傳統保守的研究教學取向。 第二章以新批評為核心,討論西方文論進入戰後臺灣學界造成的衝擊:先鋪陳當時學者們立場互異的交相詰辨,再帶入新批評在西方與臺灣學界的不同際遇,試圖通過歷史性的解讀說明:新批評在臺灣的失勢、退場,深層的原因或恐在於70年代整體風氣對現實的熱切擁抱,以及對「脫離現實」的不滿與揚棄;然新批評此前的耕耘,已然造就日後文學批評學科化乃至理論盛行的沃土。 第三章則討論西方文論主導臺灣文壇的現象:將學界的被殖民,放置在臺灣整體步趨美國現代化的脈絡中討論,並以西歐、美國的學術流變為參照,指出「理論」在專事知識生產的當代學院中的意義及作用,試圖對理論話語當道而傳統詩話失勢的現象作出解釋。 第四章在第三章的基礎上,進一步探究「學術書寫」的可能性:認為王德威詩意美感的書寫,不僅寓古典美學於當代學術,更可視為詩話傳統在當代文學批評的還魂,而王氏論述之「外在形式」與「實質內容」的結合,更是巧妙地將「修辭策略」作為其理論建構的一環。同時並指出臺灣對王德威之「眾聲喧嘩」(heteroglossia)的特殊接受,容易流於新自由主義式的多元論,在忽略話語權力落差的情況下,隱蔽著以多元之名進行「去政治化之政治操作」的危機。


Abstract This thesis focuses on the mutual effects between the academic evolution and external factors such as politics, society, or cultural backgrounds. We chose several parts of academic field in postwar Taiwan as materials for detailed inspection and discussion on the two different sets of discourse as well as wording in Chinese and Western literary criticism. The purpose of conducting this research is to try to draw the outline of the development and transformation of current literary criticism, and then investigate the reasons behind. The first chapter aims to bring out the background of the collusion between Chinese and Western literary criticism. The transformation of Chinese academic took place in late Qing, during which the discipline “Literary Criticism” was confronted with the two systems of Western literary theory and Chinese poetry talks. The peculiar political atmosphere in postwar Taiwan had influenced and shaped the traditional and conservative research as well as teaching style in the Department of Chinese Literature. The second chapter circles around New Criticism, and discusses the strikes from Western literary theory on academic field in postwar Taiwan. We present firstly the cross examination between scholars of different standpoints, and then proceed to the different treatments New Criticism gained in Western and Taiwan academic field. The reasons for New Criticism to come down in Taiwan may lie in the overall preference for reality and dissatisfaction of “departing from reality” in 70’s. However, the development of New Criticism before 70’s had already paved the way for the prevalence of literary theory after. The third chapter discusses the phenomenon of Western literary theory leading Taiwan academic field. We place the colonization of Taiwan academic field in the overall American modernization of Taiwan for discussion. We also take the academic transformation in America and Western Europe as references, point out the meaning and function of “theory,” and try to provide explanations for the phenomenon that theory prevails over poetry talks. The last chapter further explores the possibility of “academic writing.” It is thought that the poetic and aesthetic writing of Daivd Der-Wei Wang not only connotes classical aesthetics in modern academic, but can also be regarded as the revival of poetry talks in current literary criticism. It is also pointed out that Taiwan’s acceptance of David Der-Wei Wang’s “heteroglossia” can be easily manipulated for political purposes and crisis.




