  • 學位論文


Trust in Cross-boundary Co-opetition - A Case Study of Digital Convergence

指導教授 : 謝清佳


數位匯流使組織間發展出「競合」的關係,它改變了組織的運作與管理;一方面使得跨產業的陌生組織之間的互動變得更頻繁,而與陌生組織的互動中潛藏著許多不確定性與臆度;另一方面,由於跨產業推出的新服務尚未有「市場」或「權威」機制;這兩個現象都使「信任」突顯成為組織間關係發展的重要議題。過去在「組織間信任」的探討與研究,其基本預設都在組織間「合作」的情境下,已不足以說明「競合」關係下的組織互動,故本研究以一典型之跨產業競合的數位匯流個案為例,將既有組織間信任的研究內涵進一步的擴充與延伸以涵蓋「競合」的情境。 透過「促成組織信任之構面」的分析、「不同類別的信任」之深入探討,與對照「階段性信任發展模式」,本研究探索出組織間的信任在競合關係下的發展。在研究方法的使用上,由於研究者相信社會呈現的樣貌及其背後的結構,是由各角色在某情境脈絡下的互動所經營出來的,而對社會的理解,只能透過自身深入的觀察與感受,在體驗中發展出對研究現象的解釋與概念,因此透過參與式觀察,以局內人的觀點,觀察並詮釋跨產業競合下的信任關係發展。 本研究發現在促成組織信任的構面部分,當組織間的關係多了競爭性時,幾乎無法有透明的溝通;跨產業匯流之服務,其本質即是組織個數多、異質且難有共同的價值觀;而即使依存程度高,組織們會置之於主導權的競爭之下,認為組織們會自然依附於權力擁有者;而匯流新服務中,環境的不確定性會使組織間的未來發展也充滿變數;另外,共同利益的多元化反而成為競爭的利器,而無法促成組織間的信任。在不同類別的信任分析中,威懾基礎的工具無法為信任奠基、計算基礎的信任中著重的組織能力則成為威脅、既存的關係信任反有礙於整體信任的發展;因此,審視階段性的信任發展模式時可見,在跨產業組織關係中,先建立制度基礎的信任,方能減少角色扮演的不確定性,也才能奠定組織間信任的基礎,使計算基礎的信任及關係信任有正面的發展。最後,透過「促成組織信任之構面」、「不同類別的信任」及「階段性信任發展模式」的探討,本研究進一步發現權力關係穩定對信任發展的重要性。納入權力關係的探討,使本研究得以解釋何以促成組織信任之因素未能發揮作用,也發現制度、權力與信任關係三者是連動的,制度明朗化能穩定權力關係,消除競爭的強度,使各類型的信任,能快速的增長。


Digital convergence brings new challenges to the governance of inter-organizational relationship as it fosters the “co-opetition – that is to cooperate and compete at the same time” between organizations. Under co-opetition, trust emerges to be an important factor for successful realization of new converging services. Despite the prevalence of converging services, development of co-opetition and the importance of trust, research works discussing the issue of “inter-organizational trust under co-opetition” are still rare. By conducting a participant observation on a co-opetitive case, a mobile TV project, this study examines the factors that facilitate inter-organizational trust under cooperative relationship, analyzes different forms of trust and discusses the phased model of trust development. After the field observation and the interpretation of inter-organizational interactions, this study finds out that, 1) “transparent and frequent communications” between co-opetitive organizations are uncommon, 2) converging services usually involve “many organizations” from “heterogeneous backgrounds” that put inter-organizational trust difficult to develop, 3) being aware of “interdependence” between co-opetitive partners does not ensure the development of inter-organizational trust, 4) environmental uncertainty decreases organizations’ confidence in “future inter-organizational relationship”, and thus, negatively influences the development of inter-organizational trust, and 5) “multiplexity of network relationships” can even cause tension between co-opetitve organizations, and deteriorate inter-organizational trust. On the other hand, by analyzing different forms of trust together with the phased model of trust development in Shapiro, Sheppard & Cheraskin(1992), this study suggests that the basis for developing general trust between co-opetitive organizations will be building up institution-based trust instead of deterrence-based trust. At last, the issue of power relationship comes out based on above analyses, and the researcher proposes that the stability of power relationship lessens the competitive tension between organizations, and therefore, significantly helps the development of inter-organizational trust. This research presents that “the factors that facilitate inter-organizational trust,” “different forms of trust,” and “the phased model of trust development” have different effects and evolutions under inter-organizational co-opetition compared to the scenario under inter-organizational cooperation.


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