  • 學位論文


The Industrial Analysis of US Automotive Industry: Development and Reorganization

指導教授 : 江炯聰


2008年美國汽車業傳出破產危機震驚全球,曾經叱吒全球的的美國底特律三大車廠無法在全球景氣蕭條之時渡過難關,一度瀕臨破產清算的危機。本研究主要目的在了解美國汽車業為何在金融海嘯之時成為受傷最嚴重的實體產業,而美國政府為何選擇讓汽車業走上重整一途,以及美國政府對汽車業未來的規劃和發展方向。 本文採用S-C-P產業分析方法了解美國汽車業的歷史發展成果並檢視開放的貿易政策對美國市場所造成的影響。研究發現日本汽車業的生產效率和產品品質優勢威脅著底特律三大車廠在美國市場的地位,然而美國車廠的改革速度卻趕不上市場變遷的步伐,沉積已久的勞資問題和其所遺留的龐大債務更讓美國車廠的競爭力大不如前。2008年,在信貸緊縮與汽車銷售市場的歷史性低迷之時,美國車廠面臨債務到期和籌資困難的窘境之下,攜手聯合向美國國會申請援助,希望能藉此度過難關。 美國汽車業的破產會對美國當時的蕭條加深多大的壓力是政府決策時的重要關鍵。歐巴馬政府針對通用和克萊斯勒的體質和復興計畫做出徹底的檢驗後,選擇以重整計畫替代無盡的金錢紓困來幫助汽車業擺脫龐大的債務壓力,期望美國車廠能夠重新贏回市場競爭力,未來在政府協助之下的美國汽車業將以全電動車為發展方向,朝向節能和永續發展的目標邁進。


The Detroit Big 3 once dominanted the market and enjoyed the lion’s share in the auto sales. Nevertheless, US auto industry was on the verge of bankruptcy, and struggled to survive through the economic downturn in 2008. This paper aims to find out the root cause of the failure in the US auto industry, additionally, understand why US government urged the necessity for reorganization. This paper first applies S-C-P model to discuss the industrial development of US auto industry, and then evaluates the impacts from the open market policies. These results suggest that Japanese automakers pose great threat to the dominace of Detroit Big 3 with their efficience and quality.Rather than take a radical reform,US automakers were slow to react to the competitors and severely trapped in its legacy cost. In 2008, as the Ameicans suffered from financial crisis and credit crunch, the auto sales plunged down to records low, which put US automakers into financial distress. The US government was aware that the possible crash of aut industry would aggravate the economy at that time. After Obama’s govement examined the viability plan proposed by GM and Chrysler, they concluded that without the surgical change to the business structure, neither of them could sustain in the long term competition.. Reorganization not only provided automakers a way to get rid of huge debt but also a new chance to regain the leadership in the market. Under the supervision of the government, US automakers will steer to a more fuel-efficient and eco-friendly direction, so that it will ensure the sustainability in the auto industry.


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