  • 學位論文


A Discussion on the Use of RAPPAM in Case Assessment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 盧道杰


本研究目的在於探討RAPPAM在臺灣的操作調整於個案評估的適用性,藉由文獻回顧、參與觀察、訪談與焦點團體等質性研究方法,於關渡自然保留區、挖子尾自然保留區與無尾港水鳥保護區進行評估以及新竹市濱海野生動物保護區執行經營管理規劃的過程中收集資料,試圖補充RAPPAM系統評估方法於個案評估的操作,並釐清評估結果與後續經營管理規劃的連結,以增進RAPPAM在臺灣於個案評估的適用性。 研究結果顯示,臺灣操作RAPPAM的程序上進行了一些調整,包括評估範疇的釐清、權益關係人訪談、整理會議資料、IUCN-CMP保育威脅分類以及重要工作項目的彙整。而在後續經營管理規劃中發現,RAPPAM的評估結果確實有助於個案釐清保護區的威脅壓力與經營管理的優缺點,然在臺灣的調整如會議資料與重要工作項目則是評估與後續經營管理規劃較為明顯的連結。 本研究結果透露,未來欲增進RAPPAM於臺灣個案評估的適用性,在評估的過程中,評估範疇應有生態尺度的釐清,確認保護區的保育對象物種、棲地或生態現象,會議資料應有基線資料的呈現以及需增列回應目標的重要工作項目。最後,RAPPAM的評估元素未能涵蓋個案評估重視的「成果」,因此,未來若要深化RAPPAM用於個案評估,則應設法加強對成果的評估。


Adopting the Guandu Nature Reserve, Wazihwei Nature Reserve, Ilan Country Wuwei Harbor Waterbird Refuge, and Hsinchu City Costal Wildlife Refuge as case studies, using qualitative methods including literature review, participant observation, interview and focus group, this study aimed to discuss the use of RAPPAM in case assessment in Taiwan and explore the link between evaluation results and management planning. The results showed that for evaluating an individual protected area, there had been being several general modifications for implementing RAPPAM in Taiwan, such as clarifying the scope of assessment, interviewing stakeholders, compiling background information and materials for evaluation, using IUCN-CMP classification, and discussing the critical management activities. In the process of management planning, the research identified that except the results of RAPPAM, which truely point out the pressures, threats, strengths and weakness of an individual protected area, the background information and materials for evaluation and critical management activities are the key link between evaluation results and management planning. This study revealed that in order to improve the utility of RAPPAM in case assessment in the future, we should, during the evaluation process, consider the scope of assessment properly by an ecosystem approach, clarify the value of protected area, present the baseline information in the background information and materials, and add critical management activities to achieve objective. Finally, we conclude that outcome evaluation is the key point to improve RAPPAM on site-level assessment.


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