  • 學位論文


From food insecurity to national insecurity: food production and civil conflict

指導教授 : 林明仁


古代的馬雅帝國崩壞和近代盧安達屠殺的故事讓我們懷疑食物生產表現不佳導致國家內部衝突的可能性,但是這個假說一直沒有實證研究支持。本文以1981 年至2007 間43 個亞撒哈拉非洲(Sub-Saharan Africa)內陸國家為分析對象,利用降雨量做為工具變(Instrument Variable)以削除因為個別國家或政府組織能力異質性造成的遺漏變數偏誤(Omitted Variable Bias),發現食物製造和內部衝突次數存在顯著且負向的關係,且此現象在死傷規模較小的衝突較為明顯,而種族、宗教和語言的歧異程度和內部衝突沒有統計上的關係。


We offer empirical evidence that food production per capita has contributed to civil conflict over 1981 to 2007 in 43 Sub-Saharan Africa countries. We use rain fall as instrument variable for addressing endogeneity. The food production is negatively related to civil conflict: One unit decrease in the food production index aggravates the risk of armed conflict by 1%. The negative significant relationship is hold in OLS,probit and 2SLS regression model, this result is still robust after adding race, language, religion diversity and other variables. We find that low food production level only significant to small scale conflict, insignificant to large scale, over 1000 related deaths civil war. Additionally, there is downward an asymmetric effect between food andconflict.


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