  • 學位論文

暗期中斷對紅龍果(Hylocereus polyrhizus) 芽體分化與萌花之影響

The Effect of Night-breaking on Bud Differentiation and Flowering of Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

指導教授 : 楊雯如


紅龍果為長日開花植物,在台灣主要花期為5月至10月,果實產季集中於夏季6-11月。為達產期調節提高產值,於秋冬季夜間燈照產異時花已為常用之技術,唯獨萌花率往往不穩定。因此本試驗擬於秋春季暗期中斷,觀察暗中斷對紅龍果芽體分化及萌花之影響,做為穩定產期調節之參考。 秋末將紅龍果芽體依據芽體寬度及高度分為Stage 0-3,並固定解剖分析之。Stage 0外觀隆起程度最低,內部之分生組織未分化;隨著芽體漸漸便大、隆起,內部之分生組織也開始分化 ,並在分生組織兩側開始形成花被片。Stage 1、Stage 2和Stage 3兩側花被片數分別為2-3片、9-10片及11-13片。日長轉為短日後,枝條上低分化程度芽體可繼續分化至Stage 2或3而休眠, Stage 3轉萌出花苞,則需要給予暗中斷處理。近軸端芽體分化較低,而遠軸端芽體分化程度較高,給予暗中斷處理後,花苞亦自遠軸端萌出。 秋冬季暗期中斷主要開花枝為當年生枝條,且萌花率皆可達80%以上,每開花枝皆可萌生2-3個花芽。秋冬季溫度愈低時,所需暗中斷處理時間愈長。在高屏地區冬季燈照需3個月,而秋季則只需4周即可有相同的萌花效果,秋季若持續燈照可使紅龍果有第二次萌花,使枝條上未萌花芽體繼續花芽分化。暗期中斷不會終止紅龍果營養生長,但會降低秋季每抽梢枝新梢數及冬季抽梢枝率。


Pitaya is a long-day plant. They flower between May to October and produce fruits between June and November. For enhance their economical value, producing off-season fruits by applying night break during non-inductive period is a popular technique. However, the productivity has not yet stable. The objective of this research was to demonstrate bud differentiation and floral bud formation of pitaya in response to night break during non-inductive period, October to the following March. The areoles on pitaya shoot were divided into 4 stages (0-3) based on their width and height before anatomize in autumn. Stage 0 areoles, the smallest in width and height, contain undifferentiated meristem. The meristems differentiated as areoles enlarging; besides, a number of tepals appeared around meristems as they differentiating. The number of tepals were 2-3, 9-10 and 11-13 for buds at stage 1, 2 and 3 respectively. As the day length turns to short day during autumn, the lower stage buds could continue their differentiation towards stage 2 or 3 and rest then. However, night break treatment was required for stage 3 buds to initiate into floral buds. Higher stages buds often distribute at abaxial site of a shoot; therefore, floral buds normally produced at abaxial site after night breaking treatment. Current-shoots were the major fruiting shoots in the off-season production, and 80% of the shoot flower after night breaking treatment, and each flowering shoot produced 2-3 flower buds. The lower temperature in autumn or winter, the longer period of night breaking treatment was required. In Kaohsiung and Pingtung area, 3 months were required to produce off-season flowering; however, 4 weeks were sufficient in autumn and second flush of flowering might produce if nigh breaking treatment continued. Night breaking treatment would not inhibit sprouting but could decrease the sprouting shoot percentage in winter and new shoot number on each sprouting shoot in autumn.


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