  • 學位論文


A Study of Parenting Experiences of Single-parent, Recent Chinese Immigrant Victims of Marital Violence

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


中文摘要 本研究以生態系統理論出發,研究目的在探討大陸籍受婚暴婦女單親後的親子互動,在育兒歷程中她們遭遇的挑戰以及付出的有效努力;她們對於福利服務的需求及其在服務輸送經驗中的主觀感受,以及單親經驗對這些家庭所造成的影響。 研究方法上,本研究以質性研究方法,採半結構式的深度訪談,研究對象為尚未取得台灣身分證之大陸籍配偶,因婚暴離婚監護撫育台灣籍國小以下子女者,共計訪談8位婦女,分別監護1-2位8歲以下的台灣籍子女。 研究結果顯示:心情調適上:監護子女讓婦女內心有盼望,也顯出為母則強的自我激勵。她們肯定孩子此刻在她們生命的正向意義,但持續的受挫也引發身心症狀。經濟基礎上:受限學歷只能謀求低階薪資工作外,因子女照顧問題而呈現就業不穩定,「工作貧窮」的兩難經常出現在她們的生活中,除了兼職開源、節省花用外,還須為夢想及安全感儲蓄。親子關係與親職功能上:這群婦女在單親後與孩子建立強烈的情感依附,但在親職功能上顯得信心不足、孩子的早熟表現與回饋影響她們對單親生活的適應。支持系統上:離婚後她們擁有社交的自由,但經濟的困境、離婚的自卑感及急於獲取身分證讓她們難以連結大陸親友的支持,婦女在自訂的群組中尋找友誼、彼此成長,現實狀況迫使她們評估連接前夫家庭的可能助力。與法律面的接觸上:尋求再婚則須面對居留年資歸零的兩難,居留的相關法規也使得娘家助力難以引入。而在使用福利服務的感受與影響則包括:對於社政系統,婦女肯定脫離家暴過程所受到的保護與扶助,但接續的福利服務銜接不順暢。對於就業:工作與育兒難兼,除了身兼數職獲取溫飽的收入外,更希望擁有一份有夢想的工作。在教育系統上:將孩子的希望寄託在教師、安親班,較少與系統有雙向的互動。綜合以上發現,孩子本身需要被照顧的程度及回饋,婦女本身的文化、社會、經濟資本及孩子與前夫家的連結、婦女與支持系統的連結狀況,加上相關的法律及政策規定、相關福利的供給與輸送暢通性等六大因素在系統中交錯影響這群婦女的育兒狀況。 研究者建議在政策面向上可針對這個階段的家庭提供她們的孩子設籍的協助、提供平價住宅的租用,放寬親人來台探親的限制以協助托兒,並讓她們擁有監護子女取得身分證或以居留方式聯繫親子感情的選擇。在實務面上,在保護令及離婚判決中評估會面探視及交付效應對婦女及兒童的助力,考量提供訪視輔導個管服務、培力更多成功的陸配生命故事、讓服務窗口工作人員有多元文化的學習與接納,針對單親外配的親職功能串聯彼此的互助機制、開辦團體或課程,協助促進親職能力及增進個人身心平衡發展,以營造更優質的育兒經驗。 關鍵字:大陸籍配偶、新移民、婚姻暴力、單親家庭、育兒經驗


A Study of Parenting Experiences of Single-parent, Recent Chinese Immigrant Victims of Marital Violence Abstract The purpose of the study was to apply the ecosystem theory to exploration of the parenting experiences by victims of marital violence in a population of recently-immigrated female single-parents from China. The study sought to describe their parenting experiences and the interactions with their children after gaining independence, what challenges they encountered, and what effective strategies they had developed. It also sought to understand their needs from the social welfare service and their impressions of the delivery of social welfare services. The overall impact of single parenting on their families was examined, as well. The semi-structured interview technique was used for this qualitative research. The 8 participants in the study were citizens of China, single parents of Taiwanese offspring under the age of 8, and victims of domestic violence. All were custodians of one or two Taiwanese children. There were some major findings: A. Adaption and adjustment of sentiment: Single-parenting was inspirational and gave them strength. They were strongly convinced that living with their own child/children was a positive factor in their lives. However, the frustrations of daily life affected their mental well-being. B. Financial difficulties: Lower education and lack of professional training, accompanied with the challenges of managing childcare and working time, limited their job choices to those with lower pay. All subjects worked part-time jobs with low pay and struggled to meet financial demands. C. Parenting relationship and function: These single mothers were able to build strong attachments with their children. In regard to parenting function, due to a lack of self-confidence, precocity in their children could from time to time interfere with their adjustment to life as single parents. D. Support system: Even though a divorce might enlarge their personal vacancies for social participation, a difficult economy and the inferiority complex from the stigma of divorce, and even the intent to acquire a local ID, could eventually block them from any support from hometown connections. Their only route for self-comfort is to find companionship within a tiny selected group and to try to fulfill one another’s needs. The problems of everyday life encourage them to consider requesting help from their former marriage relations, and even from their ex-husbands. E. Contact of the law: According to the law, if they seek residency through re-marrying, the years of residency that they have acquired, which count toward an alien permanent resident certificate, will be erased. In addition, current regulations concerning residency of foreigners also restrict the amount of aide from relatives. The participants expressed open admiration for the protection and assistance measures provided by the social administration system during their struggles to escape a violent family. However, they also found the assistance to be inconsistent. Constantly seeking better job opportunities and struggling with childcare, these mothers make a basic living by working several jobs each day. As a result, they depend heavily on the teachers of school or afterschool programs to prepare their children for the future. They rarely have time for two-way interactions with professionals in the educational system. From the above, it is clear that six factors in the system interact to affect the parenting experiences of these women. These factors are as follows: the degree to which the children themselves need care, and feedback from that care; the status of the women's own cultural, social, and economic capital; the amount of familial support from the ex-husband’s family; the women’s links with support systems; laws, policies, and regulations; and the related smooth flow of benefits from social services. With regard to families facing such difficulties, this study provides several suggestions. On the policy side, it is necessary to provide assistance with the re-registration of their children, to provide low-cost housing, to reduce restrictions and obstacles to issuing visas to their blood relatives, and to offer the option of obtaining local IDs or long- term residence in order to maintain their parental bonds. On the practical side, in the procedures of issuing protection orders and civil rulings on divorce, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the effects of personal visits and handing over that can benefit these women and their children. Outreach care and service managers may also need to be provided. In addition, success stories of Chinese, single-parent new immigrants can be used to encourage such women, and all the direct service providers can be educated in multi-culturalism. Parallel parental functional mechanisms can be linked and collated, and group or individual courses can be provided to improve personal parenting skills and equal development of both mental and physical aspects in order to improve the overall experience of raising children. Key words: mainland spouse, new immigrant, marital violence, single-parents, parenting experiences




