  • 學位論文


The Process of Life Adjustment after Returning Home from Placement: From a Resilience Perspective

指導教授 : 陳毓文


為了協助被安置的兒少返家,美國政府訂定數項法案,例如:「領養協助與兒童福利法」(AACWA)、「領養與安全家庭法案」(ASFA),我國中央及地方單位亦積極推動「家庭處遇計畫」、「強制性親職教育」、「低親職功能家庭福利方案」、「兒童及少年結束家外安置後續追蹤輔導及自立生活服務作業規定」等方案或法令。雖安置及後續追蹤議題漸受重視,然而,無論國內外,相關研究仍多著重於機構內經驗,自立與返家後續追蹤則少,且普遍偏向負面結果,適應狀況較佳者鮮少呈現,因而,本研究的目標便是希望能對此領域有更多探討。 故針對符合以下條件之八位受訪者,進行半結構式深度訪談: 一、 曾因受到家中成人虐待(包含身體、精神、性虐待與疏忽),被迫安置者。 二、 因家庭恢復功能,或兒少具自我照顧能力,被社工人員評估可返家者,而前述返家,係指回到任何一個原生家庭,且與原來家庭仍保持聯繫與互動。 三、 返家後至少留在家中六個月,且經社工人員評估與家庭互動或適應尚佳者。 四、 為顧及受訪者之表達與認知能力,以12歲以上之兒少為主要對象。 為了解此群體之經驗,列出以下提問:兒少返家後,與家人間的互動經驗及適應歷程如何?兒少與家人所認為的良好適應經驗如何形塑而成?彼此互動的歷程中,能協助兒少適應的重要經驗為何?並佐以復原力觀點,檢視兒少返家重聚後,在家庭為主的場域中,「持續留在原生家庭」期間的適應情形。 綜合及分析受訪者之經驗,大致可得出以下結論:兒少返家初期的生疏適應歷程的一段必經之路,隨相互磨合,兒少及家庭彼此皆能逐漸釋出善意,雙方的努力使家庭發揮照顧功能。此外,兒少返家後的追蹤與橋樑功能十分重要,可促進溝通及提供資源;社會支持則能填補兒少與家庭互動過程中的空缺與需求,亦能補充及輔助專業服務及資源的不足。而衝突及社會福利介入,皆為協助兒少適應的重要經驗,此轉折亦是兒少、家庭及服務三方共同合作之結果。


返家重聚 復原力觀點 適應


Legislations and policies concerning issues related to children and youth in placement are set up in recent years; however, issues related to “independent living” and “returning home (reunification)” caught less attention. Most studies focused on negative outcomes of children and youth leaving care, and few showed good adjustment. However, the experiences of those who adjust better can provide knowledge for better services, so the goal of this study is to find those who adjust well after returning home from placement. Using the semi-structured in-depth interview method, respondents who met the following conditions were recruited: 1) those who had been abused by any adults at home (including physical, mental, sexual abuse and neglect) and were placed; 2) those who returned home due to the removal of family violence, or who were assessed to leave care and returned home due to sufficient independent skills. The aforementioned “home” meant to live with any family members; 3) those who had stayed home for at least six months after returning home, and interacted with at least one family member without conflict; 4) the respondents should have the cognitive ability to express; and 5) they were older than 12 years. As a result, 8 respondents met the above requirements were interviewed. To understand their experiences, following questions were asked: How did the children interact with their family members and adjust their new life? How did they think what make they adjust to the reunification process? In the adjustment process, what were important experiences that helped them to adjust better? This study would base on the resilience perspective to understand why these children would remain staying at home after leaving care. Findings of this study indicated that after being placed for couple years, almost all interviewees were unfamiliar with their family members when they just returned home. However, they all tried to show their good-will, and helped the family to function better. In addition, social workers played very important roles in the adjustment process; they helped to improve their communication and provided resources for interviewees and their family members. Social supports were able to fill the gap and need of their interaction, as well as the short of professional services and resources. The conflicts and social welfare interventions are important experiences to help children adapt better. And finally, the cooperation of children, families, and the social service system were also imperative to their adjustment.


returning home resilience adjustment


