  • 學位論文


Effects of Advertising and Involvement on ModeChoice Behaviors of Public Transportation

指導教授 : 張學孔


臺灣若干都會地區利用縣市合併及接管市內客運路線的機會,進行公共汽車路網整合、改善經營環境和服務水準之工作,同時運用相關補貼計畫,進行車輛汰舊與購置低地板車輛,以期提高民眾使用公共運輸的意願。然而,如果民眾不了解其中路網和營運整合等相關資訊,再多的建設與優質服務將無法誘發民眾嘗試體驗公共運輸便捷及優勢所在、達到提高公共運輸使用率之目標。因此,公部門在進行路網和營運整合的同時,必須透過有效的行銷策略,增加民眾對相關建設的認知與接觸機會,以促使其增加移轉至公共運輸的可能性。基於上述研究背景,本研究旨在探討不同廣告類型產生的廣告效果,進一步探究何種廣告類型的效果最佳,且以潛在群體模式構建運具選擇模式,並以臺南市公共汽車路網整合為例進行個案研究,以期提供臺南市政府與經營業者制定適宜行銷策略的參考。 過去相關研究已證實閱聽人對廣告中產品有較高涉入程度,且具備足夠的動機與能力時,會產生較具有持續性的說服效果;而當閱聽人對廣告中產品的涉入度較低,並不會仔細處理產品相關資訊,而較容易對廣告中與產品本身無關的事物產生注意與聯結,會受到周邊路徑影響產生說服效果。因此,本研究為探討臺南市公共汽車對民眾產生的實質影響,以廣告論點作為中央路徑、廣告訴求方式作為周邊路徑,並將此兩變數結合形成四組不同的廣告呈現方式,作為行銷者傳遞訊息的不同「編碼」方式。另外,以廣告涉入作為中介變數,作為接受者不同的「解碼」方式分類依據。以廣告態度、選擇意願及運具態度等三個構面衡量廣告效果,且檢定分析四組廣告對廣告效果所形成的差異性。運具選擇模式則採用潛在群體模式,以結合多項羅吉特與市場區隔法,產生不同的旅運者區隔及其偏好。研究成果能具體確認廣告內容與強度對於公共運輸乘客行為轉變之量化影響,可作為臺南市及其他都市研擬相關行銷策略之參考。


With the opportunity of institutional reforms and mergers, municipal governments start to re-structure the bus transit systems in terms of network optimization and operation integration. These efforts aim to improve the operating environment and service quality in order to increase the passengers’ willingness to use public transport. However, if the general public could not obtain the information of the network optimization and operation integration, it’ll be not only unable to attract general public to experience the convenience and advantage of public transportation but also unable to increase the market share of public transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the public awareness of relevant efforts on improvements of network integration and service quality through effective marketing strategies in order to increase the possibility of migration to public transportation. Based on the above background, this study aims to explore the effect of different types of advertising on mode choice behaviors of bus transit users. It is also expected to identify the most effective types of advertising in order to provide information on marketing strategies for the operators and governments. A case study is conducted for the bus reform in Tainan City while a mode choice model is developed to analyze the influences of advertising and the involvement. The results have confirmed that the advertising impacts on passenger behavior are quantitatively identified. The marketing strategies and the analyses for Tainan City may also be applied for developing marketing strategies in other cities.


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