  • 學位論文


Planning for urban green networks in a small town:A case study of Dou-zih-pu creek and the surroundings, Jhubei.

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


世界大多數城市規劃師認為,為了人類和野生動物的生存,城鎮應該設計相互串連的網絡,連結住宅區、公共開放空間和綠色廊道。因此,景觀規劃和管理,必須藉由建設城鎮中的多功能綠色網絡和綠色基礎設施,以協助城鎮能更靈活地應對不斷變化的環境挑戰。 本研究試圖在快速成長的小鎮-竹北市,規劃綠色網絡。因為竹北市位於新竹高鐵站(HSHR)、新竹生物醫學園區(HBSP)以及新竹科學工業園區(HSP)之樞紐位置,區位優良,發展潛力高;又因應人口成長快速,尤其豆子埔溪中游區段更是目前人口最密集處,故選定流經竹北市內豆子埔溪中游區段與其周邊環境,為主要案例研究的範圍。 城市綠色基礎設施的做法,通過公眾參與規劃,不僅可以激發公民意識,還可以提供在地居民朝向綠色生活的潛力,並使得城市得以永續發展。以景觀都市主義和城市綠色基礎設施的理念,本研究最後的結論及相關建議提出有效的實施策略與規劃,體現出一個具體的設計方案。


Most urban planner in the world argued that cities and towns should be designed as networks that link together residential areas to public open spaces and natural green corridors with benefits for both people and wildlife. It follows that landscape planning and management should be based around building multifunctional green networks and green infrastructure in town which can help urban areas to respond more flexibly to a changing set of environmental challenges. This study tries to planning for urban green networks in a rapid-growth small town, Jhubei City where is located at the hub of high-speed railway station (HSHR), HsinChu Biomedical Science Park (HBSP), and HsinChu Science-based Industrial Park (HSP). Dou-zih-pu creek and the surroundings in Jhubei was selected as the main case study site. The final conclusion and related suggestion will propose the significant implementation strategies, plans, and exemplify a specific design solution of urban green infrastructure based on landscape urbanism. The practice of urban green infrastructure through public-participated planning not only can inspire civic awareness, but also can offer potential to help adapt people for green life toward the sustainable urban development.


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