  • 學位論文


Health Benefit Assessment for Urban Public Bicycle System

指導教授 : 張學孔


近年來,為求減緩全球暖化及能源危機等重大環境問題,「永續發展」已成為世界各國都市交通的重要政策。永續交通政策中,「公共自行車系統」(Public Bike System)或稱「自行車共享系統」(Bike-Share System)已成為許多國家追求改善交通環境、降低空氣汙染及碳排之重要建設目標。公共自行車系統除了作為服務旅次需求之運具外,對於環境保護層面,有降低汙染、減少碳排及能耗的效益;對於都市交通,公共自行車能替代機動運具,改善道路壅塞並提升城市形象;而對於使用者而言,使用者在以自行車滿足旅運需求的同時,騎乘自行車之身體活動(Physical activity)對於健康也有相當大的正面效益,而此健康效益不僅能使個人生活品質提升、減少心血管疾病發病率、降低死亡率,甚至提升心理健康,對於整個社會也會帶來相當大的經濟效益。 我國公共自行車使用也日益盛行,台北市與高雄市之公共自行車系統皆有相當出色之營運規模,民眾使用率亦逐年提升,新北、台中、彰化、台南、新竹等城市也都陸續推出公共自行車系統。本研究之目的即在建立公共自行車系統之健康經濟效益評估模式,評估公共自行車使用者於都市中騎乘時所獲得之健康效益而減少之死亡率相對風險,同時也考慮暴露於空氣汙染懸浮微粒之健康風險而增加之死亡率風險,並以此推算社會整體獲得之康經濟效益。 本研究應用所建模式針對台北市與高雄市進行案例分析,研究顯示台北市與高雄市之公共自行車使用,於騎乘時所獲得之身體活動健康效益皆大於暴露於空氣汙染懸浮微粒之健康風險。本研究以情境假設,探討不同環境條件與騎乘程度對使用者健康效益與風險之影響。研究所建立之評估模式與實證結果將有助於決策者及營運業者規劃評估公共自行車之參考。


In recent years, in order to mitigate significant environmental issues, such as global warming and the energy crisis, "Sustainable Development" has become an important transportation policy for many metropolises all around the world. Among various sustainable transportation policies, the Public Bike System or so call Bike-Share System has become the important transportation infrastructure in many countries for improving traffic environment, reducing traffic pollution and carbon emissions. Public bike system can not only serve the demand of transportation, but also benefits our society environmentally and our healthiness as well. Many researches indicate that those who regularly do cycling, could gain tremendous health benefits form reducing risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and decreasing mortality rates, and help to improve mental health as well. And, those health benefits to our bodies could also become great economic benefits to our society. In Taiwan, the trend of cycling has gone widely nowadays. The Public Bike systems in Taipei City and Kaohsiung City both have remarkable operation scale and usage. And now, New Taipei city, Taichung, Changsha, Tainan and Hsinchu are all starting their urban public bike system plan. The purpose of this study is to establish a health economic assessment model for our urban public bicycle system by assessing both the health benefits from the regularly physical activity and the heath impact from air pollutions exposures during cycling with relative risk in all-cause mortality. This study used the model to assess the public bike system both in Taipei and Kaohsiung. The result shows that the cyclist both in Taipei and Kaohsiung could gain more health benefits then health impacts during cycling. And also, compare to those who don’t do cycling, cyclist would have lower relative risk of mortality. This study discuss the health benefit and impact under different environment and cycling scenarios. Hope this model and the results of assessment could be the reference for policy makers and operators.


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