  • 學位論文


Economic Regulation and Innovative Services for Taxi Market

指導教授 : 張學孔


計程車屬於公共運輸,相較於其他公共運輸而言,能提供更高的機動性、可及性與私密性。計程車主要的營運模式有巡迴攬客、排班候客及通訊派遣等,駕駛人依乘客需求及駕駛習慣,選擇適合的營運模式組合。在營業組織型態方面,則有車行、個人車行、合作社及派遣公司等。為了維護市場秩序、提高資源分配效率及增進社會福利,國內外政府對計程車皆有不同程度的管制措施,包括車型、車身顏色、牌照、駕駛執照、費率、營業區域及營運方式等。近年來,於資通訊科技發展下,加速計程車服務之創新,例如廣告服務、共乘服務、敬老服務、無障礙服務、觀光服務及其他延伸性服務等,使計程車朝向多元化及客製化方向發展。本研究則針對計程車之管制策略、定價方法、營運模式以及創新服務平台等關鍵議題進行探討,期能創造健康永續之計程車市場。 國內外研究多以巡迴計程車市場為主,建構經濟理論模式來探討供需、費率、服務品質及管制等議題,本研究進一步考慮車輛閒置成本,研擬多時段巡迴計程車市場模式,表現尖離峰供需差異特性,可更貼近真實計程車市場態樣。然而,在不同地區計程車營運模式亦有差異;通常在都市地區,派遣計程車比例較高,而加入派遣之計程車亦可巡迴攬客,因此本研究建構巡迴及派遣混和之營運模式,可表現都市地區計程車巡迴及派遣混和營運的實際情況。另外,在郊區及偏遠地區,由於計程車數量及乘客需求不足,不利於巡迴攬客,計程車駕駛通常在駐車地點等候,或者等候乘客以通訊方式叫車,故本研究亦建構排班派遣計程車模式來描述此類市場行為,該類分析模式亦適用於探討近年新興之app叫車市場。 政府除了透過管制措施來引導市場外,亦須鼓勵計程車業者提升服務,才能提升整體市場及個別計程車之競爭力,但計程車市場存在資訊不對稱的特性,乘客難以選擇其偏好之計程車服務,使得計程車市場普遍發生劣幣驅逐良幣之情形。本研究提出創新的平台模式,係計程車駕駛透過價格及服務來競爭乘客,乘客則可在平台中自主選擇車輛、駕駛人、服務模式、服務時間及服務價格,降低派遣公司在乘客與駕駛間之交易成本,計程車駕駛亦可於平台中建立自有品牌,提供多元化及客製化服務。創新的平台模式可降低計程車市場資訊不對稱,改善計程車服務無法儲存的問題,建立良性的市場競爭機制。最後,本研究進一步以計程車創新平台模式為基礎,研擬商業推動機制,提升實際執行之可行性。 未來在計程車市場資訊公開透明後,政府對於計程車數量、營業區域、車身顏色、費率等管制理由,將逐漸遭受挑戰。建議計程車市場管制措施,應逐漸由車輛改為駕駛人,強化對乘客之服務保障,並且注意計程車與其他創新服務或運具間競合問題,避免惡性競爭與不公平競爭,未來計程車市場將可更蓬勃發展。


Taxis play an important role in public transportation in urban and suburban areas. This study aims to explore the following subjects related to a healthy and sustainable taxi market: (1) Regulation strategies, (2) Pricing schemes for peak and off-peak periods, (3) Automatic dispatching system and (4) Innovative service platform. The operation modes vary from how drivers run their business such as cruising and riding, taxi cooperatives, scheduled taxis, radio dispatching, satellite dispatching and internet dispatching…etc. To well allocate resources and increase social welfare, taxis in cities are regulated at different levels which aim at keeping the market in order. Generally speaking, regulations to taxis mainly focus on license plates, drivers’ licenses, fare and service. There are three legal operation modes in Taiwan which are taxi companies, private hired taxis and taxi cooperatives. In order to provide taxi services, those who provide dispatching services are particularly governed under the taxi operation regulations. In the past, economic models describing cruising taxi market were constructed for discussing the demand and supply issue of taxis, which examined quantity, fare and quality of services. Based on current models and for being more precise, the following article will take new dispatching types and the peak/off-peak hour characteristics of cruising taxis into consideration. The taxi market works ineffectively owing to the regulating difficulty, to improve the situation, it is necessary to adjust the policy and encourage operators to provide innovative services as well. From the economic perspective, innovation is new products and services transformed from the change of factors and conditions of production. To keep competitive advantage, operators need to continuously strengthen the core competitiveness during the innovation process affected by technical improvement or system revolution. From engineering perspective, innovation is about developing new products, making changes in cost, production, types, design and functions. However, leaping concepts cannot bring about innovation; through systematic process can the time and cost be decreased, accelerating the revolution of products or services. Information asymmetry is the critical reason why taxi market doesn’t work; therefore this article would like to introduce a mode that passengers are able to choose services and prices on their own, also the taxi drivers can establish their own brand and provide customized services.


taxi operating model analytical model business model




