  • 學位論文


A Study on the Group of Reviewing of Intellectuals in Shu-Han

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜


本文題為「蜀漢知人群體研究」,試圖從月旦評中受冷落的許靖切入,往下探索三國最弱勢的蜀漢,與學界以郭泰、許劭為起點,以魏.劉卲《人物志》涵蓋三國之人物品鑒主流研究,進行對話。同時,從學界較少關注的「知人群體」角度切入,以蜀漢三位知人者:許靖、龐統、諸葛亮為論述架構,探問其為何品鑒?有何意圖及眼光?超越及限制?以建構出蜀漢知人群體之別相及共相。 論文架構共分五章,第一章為緒論。第二章論許靖,釐清時人好許劭之因素,並區辨許靖、許劭月旦動機之差異。第三章論龐統,探究龐統仕吳一年,以知人形象聞名江東之歷史真相。第四章論諸葛亮,以諸葛亮治蜀時期,對十位人才之鑒用廢捨,推敲出諸葛亮的用人之道。鋪陳三人別相後,總結出蜀漢知人群體意識,皆框限在劉氏正統觀下,且擇定劉備後,即表現濃厚的忠君情懷。從中反映,儒家意識猶深植人心,因而凌駕三人對人物之鑒別,此其眼光侷限處,但亦其人格成功處。而劉備亦利用正統觀,遂行其爭天下之意圖。故三位知人者在蜀漢所扮演的角色,皆是劉備爭天下的一顆棋子,許靖是招攬賢才者,龐統是謀略者,諸葛亮是決策者。劉備用東漢尚名餘風,禮敬許靖以廣招人才。用龐統為活棋,靜待孫吳之需,而以知人身分為掩飾,切入甚深謀略。用諸葛亮治理蜀政,司人才廢用之決策。其間之推移可知,品評從東漢昏聵政局下的權位鬥爭;到群雄割據亂世,爾虞我詐的天下爭奪戰;再到三國鼎立,鑒用決策攸關政權穩固、國祚長短及天下一統。由此可見知人群體雖在共同的歷史條件下產生,但知人內涵實隨著環境條件而不斷變異。 而綜觀東漢中期以來之知人群體,唯郭泰一人,真正以「道」為核心,以品評淑世,雖預見漢室之亡,仍步履孔孟,周遊華夏,而化育六十人成英彥。其既以冷眼洞識時務,又以熱情為亂世播下善種,非但「知人者智」,又頗具聖人風流。


許靖 龐統 諸葛亮 知人 月旦 品鑒 蜀漢


This study on the Group of Intellectuals Reviewing in Shu-Han has firstly attempted to shed more light on Xu-Jing (許靖), who is normally neglected in former academia. The academic streams mainly concentrate on persona by Liu-Shao (劉卲),depicting Guo-Tai (郭泰)、Xu-Shao (許劭)。 After Xu-Jing (許靖)and his situation have been clarified, the connection to the governance of Shu-Han relevantly comes to how Pang-Tong (龐統)and Zhu Ge-Liang (諸葛亮)have worked as the Group of Intellectuals Reviewing. This study on the three dominating figures of Shu-Han aims to commence a dialogue with the former academic viewpoints, at the same time to delineate the inner dynamic influence and how the influence refers to the politics among the Three Kingdoms. The study has done researches concerning the intentions, insights, excellence as well as restrictions of Xu-Jing (許靖)、Pang-Tong (龐統)、Zhu Ge-Liang (諸葛亮) . Thus the various aspects of these three important figures’ participation are scrupulously delineated. The context contains five chapters. The preface is an introduction. Chapter II comes to Xu-Jing (許靖),how he is different from his brother, Xu-Shao (許劭), in their initiation to review the elites to be written in Yu-Dan-Ping (月旦評). Chapter III focusing on Pang-Tong (龐統)is to investigate the truth behind his endeavors to recommending the intellectuals for official positions in Kingdom Wu located at Yang-tzi River. Chapter IV concentrates on Zhu Ge-Liang (諸葛亮), the most prominent political leader in Shu-Han. Ten officials recruited or resigned by Zhu Ge-Liang (諸葛亮) have been carefully examined to ponder upon what the priorities set to engage an elite to a government position. Consequentially a common ideology strikes out; that is the idealism of continuing the Right Heritage of Confuciusnism. All three have shown such remarkable patriotism for the emperor of Shu-Han. The Emperor, Liu-Bei (劉備), has also conveniently utilized this patriotism very well to engage them to military for uniting the whole kingdom as the one. The idealism of the Right Heritage not only nourishes the patriotism but also confines their visions and talents. The three outstanding politicians have been restricted to be only puppets manipulated by the Emperor, Liu-Bei (劉備). Pang-Tong (龐統)is an agent of recruitment. Pang-Tong (龐統) is recognized as a strategist. Zhu Ge-Liang (諸葛亮) is reduced as a patriotic prime minister. The Intellectuals Reviewing system which streams from Easter Han Dynasty down to the Three Kingdom Dynasty has substantially decided the way political powers struggle against each other regarding to establish a wholly united kingdom. The Intellectuals Reviewing Groups are constituted by all the similar historical situations; on the contrary the inner motivation and ideology have been altered so radically through out this period of time.



