  • 學位論文


The Ruling of NanJun in Late Pre-imperial China

指導教授 : 杜正勝


西元前279年,秦國攻楚,一路南下,將楚的首都方圓數百里納入領土,翌年設置了南郡。本文討論的即為戰國晚期,南郡在秦統治下的實態。 本文主要分為兩個部分。首先利用考古材料,指出在秦管理下,南郡經歷了空間的轉換、經濟體系的重整。空間上,城址以及秦移民的聚落分布,反映了原來楚郢都優越的經濟、交通條件遭到放棄;南郡成為秦帝國的邊郡,成為秦對東方軍事邊防的重鎮,徹底成為秦的邊陲。經濟上,原來繁盛的經濟及產業中心在秦統治下萎縮,新的產業模式出現,南郡成為中央的原料供給地和市場,完成了經濟的一體化。 第二個部分利用出土文獻,觀察秦楚政權轉換之際,人群移動的情形及族群關係。秦藉政治力形塑了一個由楚遺民與秦移民所組成的新社會,以「臣邦」的編戶方式,將楚人納入統治,身分的認定是血緣的,反映出秦人對楚人的異化;秦統一後,仍延續這種制度,以「新黔首」的形式區別族群身分,從中並可一窺族群間的矛盾關係。 南郡本是楚國的中心地區,然而在秦的統治下,有著與原來作為「首都」截然不同的面貌,可以看出其自「中心」至「地方化」、「邊陲化」的過程。


南郡 郢都 邊陲化 新黔首 臣邦


In late Warring State Period, Qin started to launch an attack toward Chu. After two years of war, the pre-empire finally occupied Chu’s capital Inn (郢), and set up the administrative Region NanJun (南郡) in B.C. 278. This thesis would like to discuss the ruling of NanJun by Qin during the late Warring State Period after its occupation. This thesis contents two parts. First, I’d like to use archaeological material to argue that Nanjun had been through a rearrangement of space and economy. The sites of cities and the settlement of immigrants suggest that the extraordinary economical scale of Inn had decline and the new administrative region, NanJun had become the military province of Qin against Chu and Hann. A new economical pattern which made NanJun a material supplier and market had replaced the old one. The second part of the thesis suggests a point of view of the relationship between the immigrants of Qin and the old resident of Chu. In new discovered documentary, we see a racial separation on household registration system. It represents that Qin identified its people through bloodline instead of political control. We can see the racial discrimination and stress under the ruling of Qin. NanJun, once the central area of Chu which known “Inn”, had become the frontier of the empire. We can observe the changing of the society as Qin endeavored its expansion to the east.


