  • 學位論文


A Study of the Reading Behaviors of the Elderly in Different News Media Format

指導教授 : 岳修平


閱讀設備的發展和更新也隨著科技發展愈發進步,讓閱讀的空間與時間無遠弗屆。隨著智慧型手機及iPad的誕生,輸入方式也已不再局限於滑鼠和實體鍵盤,而高齡者在使用這些產品的設計是否符合他們的需求值得探討。高齡者因生理器官的機能退化,在使用產品上可能會有操作障礙的情況發生(Fisk等, 2004),而閱讀是臺灣高齡者的生活休閒之一,尤其是閱讀報紙新聞的社會版和政治版對他們來說具有時效性,能跟上社會的腳步,做為高齡者和社會互動的管道。新聞呈現媒體中,除了電子版的原版報紙之外,網路新聞、平板新聞APP都可當作新聞的呈現媒體。 本研究選定高齡者作為主要研究對象,主要是探討電子報紙、網路新聞、平板新聞等媒體是否能讓高齡者閱讀更方便,眼睛不吃力,操作更便利。除了考量生理機能退化、視力不佳的問題,也需考量新聞呈現形式是否讓高齡者閱讀新聞更方便、更能掌握報紙新聞重點、以及有效放大新聞字體。本研究針對聯合報原版報紙、聯合新聞網UDN、聯合報報紙Plus三種媒體新聞呈現形式進行研究,探討高齡者的閱讀行為與閱讀態度,以提供未來的設計發展更能符合高齡者的閱讀需求與增加便利性。 實驗設計以閱讀任務為主,請高齡者尋找新聞、放大縮小字體以及閱讀新聞內容,搭配Mangoldvision可攜式眼球追蹤設備,收集高齡者操作不同媒體時,執行任務的眼動歷程、凝視時間、凝視次數與首次注視時間。實驗結束請受試者填寫NASA-TLX工作負荷量表,了解高齡者對使用三種媒體的主觀感受,最後進行訪談,整理對於這三種媒體呈現形式的建議與設計改善。 研究結果發現,使用三種媒體尋找新聞的時間、放大縮小新聞內文字體、調整字體大小所花費的時間存在顯著差異,但是使用三種媒體閱讀新聞內容則不具顯著差異。尋找新聞、放大縮小新聞內文字體的操作錯誤次數具有顯著差異,爾後繼續探討高齡者操作錯誤的手勢與步驟。聯合報原版報紙的右側新聞版面平均凝視時間最長,大多數高齡者使用畫面正下方的翻頁按鍵瀏覽新聞版面;高齡者在放大畫面時會先嘗試使用視窗右上方的縮小、放大與關閉視窗三個按鈕。聯合新聞網UDN位於網站中間的發燒新聞的凝視時間最長,大部分高齡者點選第二層新聞分類選單進入新聞提要。高齡者瀏覽新聞內文尋找將新聞畫面放大功能的平均凝視時間最長。聯合報Plus新聞分類第二層的凝視時間最長,高齡者花較多時間尋找第一層新聞分類選單;在放大畫面時新聞詳細內容凝視時間最長。 在NASA-TLX工作負荷量表中,高齡者使用三種新聞媒體的六項指標均無顯著差異。在心智負荷中,男性與女性高齡者使用聯合新聞網UDN具有顯著差異;在身體負荷中,男性與女性高齡者在使用聯合新聞網UDN以及聯合報Plus具有顯著差異;在挫折程度中,高齡者性別在使用聯合新聞網UDN以及聯合報Plus具有顯著差異。有使用智慧型手機與平板電腦的高齡者與沒有使用的高齡者中在自我績效中,使用聯合報Plus具有顯著差異。 根據研究結果與訪談結果,高齡者大多無法快速找到聯合報原版報紙翻頁鍵,建議用觸控方式更接近閱讀實體報紙翻頁的方式。聯合新聞網UDN新聞選單分類過於複雜,建議聯合新聞網UDN將新聞分類減少或是與其他常見的新聞網站相同,提高找尋新聞的效率。聯合報Plus需將新聞內容、新聞分類選單的字體再加大,方便高齡者閱讀,讓所有的新聞標題可以呈現在畫面中,讓高齡者尋找新聞時可以一目了然。


Reading newspaper is one of the entertainments of elderly people in Taiwan. They often read social and political news because they can keep up with the pace of society and maintain social interaction. The development of reading devices improved in recent years. With the invention of smart phones and iPad, input method is no longer limited to mouse and physical keyboard. Elderly’s physical and mental degradation include visual, tactile, cognitive problems. When they operate technological product would create obstacles and difficulties.Therefore the product design should meet their needs. In this study, elderly people were selected as the main object, and investigate the behaviors of elderly people reading newspaper with e-paper news, electronic news, and mobile electronic news. Experiment missions include searching news, adjusting news font and reading the news. Mangoldvision eye-tracking device records the pattern of eye movement, observation length, observation count, and time to first fixation.At the end of the experiment, elderlt people were required to fill NASA-TLX questionnaire. And researcher interviewed them about the usability of reading news with different media formats. The results showed that when operating e-paper news, most elderly people using the functional key to search news. And to enlarge news font size, they were easily confused with icons on the interface. When operating electronic news, elderly people spent a lot of time searching news between the menu hierarchies. Looking for function keys to enlarge news font size on the electronic news format was much easier than the other two media formats. Elderly people spent more time operating the second layer of menu hierarchies in the mobile electronic news. And they have difficult finding the buttons to enlarge and shrink the news font size. In the NASA-TLX workload scale, the six indicators of three news media had no significant differences. In the use of electronic news, mental load and physical load, and frustration had significant difference. And in the use of mobile electronic news, physical load and frustration had significant differences. Elderly people who had smart phones and tablet PCs perform better than the elderly that didn’t have. According to the results of experiments and interviews, we suggested that the e-paper news searching could use touch flip to replace functional key. Electronic news categories would reduce to make searching news more efficiently. Mobile electronics news could increase font size of the news categories and texts. And let the news headlines all presented on the interface, so that elderly people could spent less time searching news.


Elderly Media Format Reading Behavior Eye movement


