  • 學位論文


Using Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach to construct Key Indicators of Raw Material Supplier Selection – Taking Taiwanese Textile Company A as an Example

指導教授 : 王銘宗
共同指導教授 : 蔡智勇


供應商評選是採購部門最重要的任務之一,在現今競爭激烈的全球化經營環境中,如果一間企業欲致力於維持或提升其競爭優勢,其高階主管在決策採購決策時,必須考量到供應商的販售價格、產品品質、服務周全性等因素,在整體的供應商評選過程中,無非是為了達到降低採購風險和成本、為自身企業創造最大的價值等目地,並且建立雙方之間的密切關係和長期合作關係。   在紡織產業中,在採購原料時必須考慮許多因素,根據與紡織產業先進的訪談內容得知原料成本佔總成本相當大的比例,因此今年採購原料的時機和價格都會深深地影響當年度的利潤和經營績效。然而,供應商評選是一個同時包含質化和量化因素的多準則議題,但在實務上,大多仰賴高階主管的直覺和經驗來擬定採購決策,並沒有一定的規則或制度可以依循。本研究的目的在於以多準則決策理論為基礎,建構一個適用於臺灣紡織產業的供應商評選模型,並且期望透過實證分析對實務應用及理論研究皆做出貢獻。   本研究以多準則決策理論為基礎,嘗試建立一個三階段的供應商評選模型,利用文獻探討與專家深度訪談、模糊德菲法和層級分析法,層層篩選最適用於紡織產業的供應商評選因素,最後邀請13位紡織產業資深的高階經理為本研究提出之因素進行兩兩成對比較,藉由層級分析法的計算,結果顯示成本(0.3386)和品質(0.2013)是影響供應商評選最關鍵的構面,此外,在排名前十名的關鍵因素依序遞減為:購買價格(0.1603)、存貨成本(0.0860)、全球氣候變遷(0.0804)、商業信譽(0.0754)、品質一致性(0.0727)、準時交貨(0.0647)、不良率(0.0516)、財務穩定性(0.0484)、物流成本(0.0438)及關稅(0.0438),值得注意的是成本構面下的四個因素都在整體的前十名內,如同在專家深度訪談中得知成本是影響當年度獲利表現的關鍵因素。   一般而言,紡織產業中的國際原料供應商評選議題包含了複雜因素和各式各樣的情境,高階主管必須具備敏銳的分析能力和豐富的經驗才能做出最有利的採購決策。雖然過去已有許多研究針對供應商評選的議題做深入探討,但本研究提出的模型與其他研究的不同之處在於增加了全球氣候變遷和政治穩定等外在環境因素,彌補了其他研究不適用於紡織產業的缺點,透過三階段的層層篩選,建立一個紡織產業原料供應商評選模型,簡化過去複雜的評選因素,並將其系統化,期能幫助高階主管更準確且迅速地做出正確的採購決策。


Supplier selection is one of the most significant activities for purchasing departments. In today’s competitive global business environment, if a company makes great efforts to preserve its competitiveness, its decision makers need to consider the suppliers’ price, quality, service, etc. The entire purpose of supplier selection process is to decrease purchasing risk and cost, maximize value to the purchaser, and establish the intimacy and long-term relationship between buyers and suppliers. In the textile industry, there are many factors must be considered when purchasing raw materials. Cost of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of total cost. Purchase may affects profit and operation performance this year. Supplier selection is a multiple criteria issue which contains both qualitative and quantitative factors. However, there is no rules to select raw material suppliers in practice. The purpose of this study is to describe an application of supplier selection model based on multiple criteria decision making techniques in Taiwanese textile industry. We hope that the case implementation results are of great interest both for practice application and theory research. This study proposes a three-phase approach for supplier selection based on the multiple criteria decision making including in-depth experts interview, Fuzzy Delphi Method and analytic hierarchy process. After analyzing, the result shows that cost (0.3386) and quality (0.2013) are the critical dimensions by the preference of 13 selected senior managers in textile industry. Besides, the top 10 critical criteria among 20 criteria are shown as follows in sequence: purchase price (0.1603), inventory cost (0.0860), global climate change (0.0804), reputation (0.0754), quality consistency (0.0727), on-time delivery (0.0647), rejection rate (0.0516), financial stability (0.0484), logistics cost (0.0438), and tariffs and taxes (0.0438). It is worth noting that 4 criteria of cost dimension are all in top 10 critical criteria. In general, international raw material supplier selection of textile industry issues consist of complex criteria and varied situation. The decision makers must have the penetrating abilities of analyzing and plentiful experience to make appropriate decisions. In this study, we developed a three-phases multiple criteria decision making technique, in-depth experts interview, Fuzzy Delphi Method and analytic hierarchy process, to obtained the criteria of supplier selection in textile industry. Our proposed model differs from previous studies, environmental problems including climate change and political stability are concerned.


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