  • 學位論文


A Study on Grandparent-Grandchild Reading Activities in Taiwan's Public Libraries

指導教授 : 陳書梅


本研究旨在探討臺北市、新北市和高雄市之公共圖書館辦理祖孫共讀活動的現況,館員對圖書館辦理該類活動的認知,祖父母參與活動的動機、評價與期望,以及圖書館祖孫共讀活動對圖書館、祖父母和孫子女產生之影響。研究於2014年七月下旬至十月上旬期間進行。研究者首先採用網路內容分析法,於圖書館官方網站及Google搜索引擎中蒐集上述三個直轄市之136所公共圖書館辦理的祖孫共讀活動;同時,為了解活動現況與館員認知,研究者亦向彼等圖書館發放問卷136份,總計回收126份,有效回收率為92.6%;而奠基於內容分析和問卷調查的結果,研究者最終選擇9所圖書館中10位曾辦理祖孫共讀活動的館員與11位曾帶孫子女參加圖書館活動的祖父母進行半結構深度訪談。 本研究結果可概括為以下四項:(1)館員認知:圖書館祖孫共讀活動是親子共讀活動的一種,乃是因應社會變遷而專門為祖孫辦理之閱讀推廣活動;此類活動與親子共讀活動在辦理時間、閱讀素材、場地和設施、活動主題和內容、活動帶領者的能力等方面存在著一定的差異性。(2)活動現況:目前約三分之一的公共圖書館曾辦理過祖孫共讀活動,活動類型以手作和說故事為主;而辦理活動的動機、活動目標、規劃、行銷方式、經費、人力資源、內外部支援等,皆會影響公共圖書館辦理該類活動。(3)參與者之動機、評價與期望:祖父母帶孫子女參加圖書館活動的動機乃是期望兒童在活動中成長,而祖父母對活動各方面的評價表示滿意,且願意持續參加該類活動,並希望圖書館多辦理祖孫手作活動、說故事活動和動態活動等。(4)活動影響:祖孫共讀活動對提升圖書館利用率和能見度、滿足祖父母心理需求和改善共讀能力、培養兒童閱讀興趣及習慣,以及增進祖孫關係等方面皆有所助益。 最後,研究者分別針對公共圖書館實務界,教育部、文化局等政府機構,祖父母,以及未來研究者提出相關的建議。


This study explores the circumstance of grandparent-grandchild reading activities, including status of these activities in public libraries of Taipei City, NewTaipei City and Kaohsiung City, the librarians’ perception of these activities, the motivation, evaluation and expectations of participants, and the effects of these activities on libraries, grandparents and grandchildren. The research methods include web content analysis, questionnaire survey, and semi-structured in-depth interview. During late July to early October 2014, data about grandparent-grandchild reading activities of 136 public libraries in three above mentioned cities were collected through official website and Google. 136 questionnaires were sent to the libraries of three cities to investigate the situation of activities and librarians’ perception, and 126 effective questionnaires were recalled. The effective response rate is 92.6%. Based on the result of web content analysis and questionnaire survey, 10 librarians who have provided grandparent-grandchild reading activities and 11 grandparents who have participated in activities in 9 public libraries were chosen for further semi-structured in-depth interview. The results of this research can be summarized as follow: (1) Librarians’ perception: Grandparent-grandchild reading activity is a special kind of parent-child reading activities for grandparents and grandchildren. However, the activity time, materials, venues and facilities, theme and content, and the qualification of activity leaders are quite different from those of parent-child reading activities. (2) Activities status: One-third of public libraries have provided grandparent-grandchild reading activities for users. The main types of activities are storytelling and manual work. The affecting factors of public library arranging grandparent-grandchild reading activities include library motivations, goals, planning, publicity, funding, human resources, internal and external supports. (3) Participants’ motivation, evaluation and expectations: Grandparents participate in library activities, hoping that the reading activities contribute to the growth of their grandchildren. And grandparents are generally satisfied with grandparent-grandchild reading activities, and willing to continue to participate in similar activities like storytelling, manual work, or other dynamic activities. (4) Activities effects: Grandparent-grandchild reading activities are beneficial to improving utilization and presence of public libraries, satisfying to grandparents’ emotional needs and developing the co-reading ability, encouraging grandchildren’s reading interest and habits, and fostering better relations between grandparents and grandchildren. In addition, the study provides some suggestions to public libraries, government, grandparents, and researchers.




