  • 學位論文


A Study on the Developing Mechanism of Ecomuseums in Taiwan: A Case Study of Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park

指導教授 : 王鑫


1970年代始自法國之國際生態博物館思潮,自1990年代起傳入臺灣,轉眼間已有20多年,臺灣生態博物館也逐漸由理論摸索階段,邁向外觀形似階段,再步入核心理念之全面掌握階段,並逐步朝可持續性發展進行推展與努力。 猴硐地區自日治時期初期開始進行小規模煤礦開採,該地之瑞三煤礦是二次戰後全臺灣煤礦產量最大的礦區,總產量高達6,741,118公噸,1990 年停止煤礦開採後,地方人士即持續呼籲應推動礦業遺產保存及再利用工作,2004年起,著手規劃於猴硐地區設立猴硐煤礦博物園區,並於2010年7月24日開園營運至今。 考量猴硐煤礦博物園區為臺灣生態博物館代表案例之一,故筆者選擇此一案例進行個案研究,並以行動研究作為核心研究理念,結合2007-2010年之在地行動研究成果、2011-2013年之權益關係人田野訪談及課題探討、1990-2013年之公共政策過程分析,針對生態博物館之3大課題:社區參與、現地保存與地域振興,提出建立公私協力平台、導入文化景觀法規、推動觀光社區營造等3項後續發展建議。 另參考國外生態博物館理論模型,以及其他臺灣生態博物館案例經驗,包括:黃金博物館、大溪木藝生態博物館、土溝農村美術館,以由此一個案研究成果延伸提出普遍性之臺灣生態博物館發展機制,期能透過從評估到籌設,再邁向營運階段之6個步驟、11項工作,對於臺灣生態博物館之未來發展提供參考與指引。


In 1970s, the original ecomuseum theory was invented in France. Then this international thinking was inroduced to Taiwan in 1990s, which has lasted for more than 20 years. Ecomuseums in Taiwan experienced the exploring stage to similar appearance stage to thorough understanding stage and strived toward sustainable development gradually and continuously. In the initial stage of Japanese Colonial Period, the small-scale coal mining appeared in Houtong. Then Ruisan Coal Mine in Houtong became the most productive coal mining region in Taiwan after the Second World War and the total yield was up to 6,741,118 tons. The enterpreneur stopped the coal mining in Houtong in 1990 and then local people continued to appeal to protect the precious coal mining heritage in Houtong. Since 2004, local government initiated the planning to establish a ecomuseum in Houtong, formally named Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park later. This ecomuseum was opened on July 24, 2010 and operated up to the present. As one of the most important ecomuseums in Taiwan, the author chose Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park to be the study case ubder the action research concept. Integrating the result of the action research in Houtong region in 2007-2010, the interviewing and theme discussing outcome with the stakeholds in 2011-2013 and the public policy analysis in 1990-2013, the author tried to proposed 3 further developing suggestions for 3 ecomuseum issues, including community participation, preservation in situ and regional redevelopment, which comprised institute a working platform for public-private partnership, involving the regulation for cultural landscape by law, promoting community empowerment for/by tourism. Besides, referring to the ecomuseum theories and models and 3 ecomuseums’ practical experiences in Taiwan, including Gold Museum, Daxi Wood Craft Ecomuseum and Togo Rural Village Art Museum, the author extended the case study achievement to proffer the developing mechanism for ecomuseums in Taiwan, which contained 6 steps and 11 tasks for the estimation stage, preparation stage and operation stage, which was expected to provide the reference and guidance for ecomuseums’ future development in Taiwan.


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