  • 學位論文


Lyrical and Rhythm: The Annotation of Reduplicative Binomials in Wei and Jing’s Pentasyllabic Poetry.

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜


重言與聯綿字是《詩經》中的重要元素,二字成義、不可分割的特性,讓這兩種詞彙與二二節奏的四言詩相當契合,進入兩漢魏晉之後,也持續被運用在四言詩中。然而,當五言詩逐漸成為詩歌創作的主流,開始以二三句式為詩作的主導節奏,如此一來,單音詞或雙音合成詞便能靈活地在五言句中排列組合,與二三句式、或者更精細的二一二節奏,形成每一句都能完整表達語義的單行散句——這是五言詩的特色,也是詩人如何連貫語脈、帶動節奏的挑戰。 將重言與聯綿字放入這樣的創作環境中加以考察,有兩個角度可供切入:抒情與節奏。就抒情而言,重言與聯綿字在五言詩中依然擔負著表達語義的任務,其烘托而非直指的詞彙特性,提供讀者聯想、揣摩的詮釋空間;同時也適合表達較為模糊、難以具體指稱的情感或景物。看似二字一詞較為佔據詩句空間的重言與聯綿字,在上下文語境中竟可兼指狀物和抒情,語義的層次反而更為豐富。就節奏而言,重言與聯綿字雙聲疊韻的語音特性,以及音義緊密相連的特性,都使它們得以帶動容易形成單行散句的五言詩歌的節奏感。而從魏到晉的發展,還能看出重言與聯綿字在五言詩中逐漸由表情達意轉為營造節奏的效果轉變。 重言與聯綿字雖然是從《詩經》流傳下來的舊詞語,但在魏晉五言詩的發展中,仍然與新發展的修辭與文學風尚互動,比如對偶、用事等,在詩歌中分工合作,呈現出抒情達意與帶動節奏的效果。


五言詩 重言 聯綿字 抒情 節奏


Overlapping words and Continuous words are both the important elements in“The Book of Songs”. These reduplicative binomials are combined with two characters, and they can’t be interpreted separately. As a result, they are very suit for four-characters poetry, which are read in 2-2 rhyme. In Wei-Jin Dynasties, poets still wrote four-characters poetry with reduplicative binomials. However, when the pentasyllabic poetry became the main stream in the Wei-Jin Dynasties, the leading rhyme of the poetry from 2-2 to 2-3, which made the reduplicative binomials not so useful in the poetry. On the contrary, the poets could write the line of poetry with monosyllabic and disyllabic words. Those words will make the poetry more variable. So, why should the poets still chose the reduplicative binomials? To answer the question, there are two ways to discuss: one is about the lyrical,and the other is about the rhyme. To the lyrical, reduplicative binomials still responsible to represent the meaning of the poem. They can build the atmosphere to allow the readers to imagine. Thus, it is appropriate to express indefinite scenery and feelings with reduplicative binomials. These words can describe things and express feelings at the same time, which made reduplicative binomials more useful. To rhymes, reduplicative binomials’ pronunciations are so special that allow them to lead the rhyme of pentasyllabic poetry easily. Moreover, the development of poetry from Wei to Jin showed that reduplicative binomials became more and more important in leading rhymes. Although, reduplicative binomials were old forms of word from the ancient time, in the development of pentasyllabic poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasties, it still shows the interrelation between old words and new rhetoric.


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