  • 學位論文


New Business Model: Business Plan of Oriental-Group Case Study

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


本研究主要是以創新商業模式為研究之理論基礎,加上實務面的「東極國際股份有限公司」之營運計畫為個案探討,主要研究目的為瞭解、分析現有藝能經紀之商業模式如何應用於產業現況;而後透過創新商業模式找出目前現行機制的問題點並提供修改建議;再以「東極國際公司藝能經紀營運計劃」為例,將創新商業模式理論落實於實務中。 研究背景是由於近年來韓國藝能產業的蓬勃發展及強力對外,加上中國大陸的崛起與開放,配合兩岸交流日益頻繁的潮流,有愈來愈多的台灣藝人將眼光放向廣大的大中華舞台,也意味著廣大潛在商機,因此更顯此研究之重要性。 其中研究者發現,藝能產業軟實力的消長,背後其實都有一套商業模式與邏輯在支撐著,在面對廣大的對岸市場,我們卻可能因為背後商業模式與經紀制度的缺失,而漸漸喪失領先的優勢。如何透過一套嶄新的創新商業模式來改變此一局面是本研究的重點。 其中除了針對「藝能經紀產業」與「創新商業模式」進行名詞界定、文獻回顧,從藝能產業市場、競爭對手優劣分析、產業機會點、產業關鍵成功因素、藝能產業商業模式…等面向進行分析比較之外,本研究更綜合上述資料,以實際的東極國際公司藝能經紀營運計劃為例,來進行探討與討論:從公司簡介、組織架構、核心競爭力、公司營運計畫、營運目標與主要客戶結構、業務運作流程、利潤分析假設、未來營運獲利預估、風險分析、公司IPO規畫…等進行說明。因此透過個案的分析與討論,本研究提出了改善的方案與想法,企圖建構一套全新而更為完善的商業模式,以東極國際公司建構一個創新的整合平台,期使藝人、企業主、經紀公司三方能達到三贏共生的局面。 從本研究中更可發現東極國際公司所提供的創新商業模式,不只改善產業現存的困難點與缺失,更提供完整的整合性服務。而在此創新商業模式之中,更可說是創造了「共生互利」的產業革新!


This research is based on new business model and taking the new business plan of “Oriental-Group corporate” as an case study. The main purpose of this research is to understand, analyze about these existing arts brokerage business model and how it applied to the current status of the industry; then through new business models to identify problems currently existing mechanisms and suggest amendments; then taking" Oriental-Group corporate new business plan" as an example to explain how will it implement its new business model to this industry in practice. In recent years, the Korean arts industry is blooming, also in mainland China. Which means that there is a big potential business opportunities. There’s always a business model to support an industry, trying to find out this business model behind the system and the suggest a new business model is the main point of this research. Focus on "arts brokerage industry" and "new business models" , this research includes literature review, market status, competitor analysis of the pros and cons, industry opportunities, industry key success factors ... Beyond the analysis and comparison, this study is more comprehensive to the actual case of “new business model of “Oriental-Group corporate” business plan, including company profile, organizational structure, core competencies, operating plans, target customers, profitability analysis, future operating profit forecast, risk analysis, company IPO planning ... etc will be explained. Thus, through the analysis and discussion of this case, the study proposed an new idea(new business model) to improve this industry, which also constructs a highly innovative integration platform to making artists, business owners, tripartite brokerage firm can achieve win-win symbiotic situation.


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2. 《中華民國教育部 重編國語辭典修訂本》。
