  • 學位論文


Comparative Research of Online Travel E-Commerce: Business Model Perspectives

指導教授 : 趙義隆


隨著全球經濟發展與休閒意識的提升,使得旅遊業呈現高度蓬勃之成長態勢,而網際網路技術的快速演進與遊客消費習慣的改變,也帶動線上旅遊電子商務網站的開枝散葉與動態變化。本研究之目的即在收納、並定義目前主流的線上旅遊網站商業模式,運用集客力、網路外部性、網路口碑、與消費者行動模式等文獻理論,結合個案研究之方法,觀察主流線上旅遊網站的獲利模式與集客策略,同時對線上旅遊網站的使用者進行實證研究分析與探討。 本研究歸納出四種主要的線上旅遊商業模式:線上旅遊代理商、複合搜尋引擎商、用戶評論內容商與共享經濟平台商,並以Expedia、KAYAK、TripAdvisor、Airbnb四間代表廠商進行個案研究側寫,察覺到各廠商各自採用會員專屬優惠、分享激勵機制、朋友推薦獎勵,及服務項目區隔化等集客策略。此外亦發現以下觀察重點:(1)線上旅遊產業呈現集團化的橫向擴張、區隔化的縱向深根。(2)各個線上旅遊商業模式的核心業務不變,但週邊功能服務呈現界限模糊化。(3)網路口碑在線上旅遊產業的重要性體現於評論功能。 另外參酌國內外文獻進行搜集整理後,本研究設計符合線上旅遊網站使用者情境的消費者搜尋-行動-分享模式(SAS)關聯因素調查研究,並以回收的544份有效樣本進行研究。根據本研究結果顯示:「網路口碑」對消費者在使用線上旅遊網站進行搜尋、行動、分享時均有所影響,而用戶的網站使用頻率與使用廣度也會影響用戶對網路口碑的態度,使用較頻繁、或使用類型較多元的用戶都較容易受網路口碑影響。另「網路外部性」對用戶在使用線上旅遊網站進行搜尋時有正面影響,且用戶的使用時間經驗長短會影響用戶對網路外部性的態度,使用經驗較短的用戶較會受網路外部性影響。


With the global economic development and the raise of leisure consciousness, the travel industry has shown strong and prosperous growth pace. And the rapid evolution of Internet technology and the change of tourist’s consumer behavior, also stimulate the dynamic development online travel e-commerce. This study utilizes inbounding marketing, network externality, eWOM, and AISAS model theories. The purpose of this study is to redefine the contemporary mainstream business models of online travel websites with the exploration of their profit models and inbounding strategies, also to understand the influential factors through user behavior survey for further analysis. This study redefines the mainstream online travel website into four different types: online travel agency, metasearch engines, user generated content provider, and P2P platform, and chooses 4 representative websites including Expedia, KAYAK, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb as the objects of case study. Based on the approach of case study and comparative analysis, it’s found that member exclusive benefit, review incentive program, friend recommendation mechanism, and market segmentation are commonly used for inbounding strategies. Menwhile, this study concluded that: 1. Online travel industry shows horizontal expansion outside the group and vertical cultivation within the group. 2. The boundaries of each business model become vague even though the core business stays still. 3. The “review” function embodies the importance of e- word of mouth towards online travel industry. Referring relevant literatures, this study designed a questionnaire regarding the Search-Action-Share behaviors of online travel website’s users. After the result analysis of 544 effective samples, it indicates that “eWOM” will affect user’s “search, action, and share” behavior while using online travel websites. The frequency and scope of use both affect user’s attitude towards eWOM. Users with higher frequency or broad scope of use will be influenced by eWOM more. Another indication is that “Network Externality” will affect user’s “search” behavior while using online travel websites. The time experience of use affects user’s attitude towards network externality. Users with longer experience of using online travel websites will be influenced by network externality more.


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