  • 學位論文


The effect of water management on the growth and fruit production of eggplant-grafted tomato ‘Rosada’

指導教授 : 楊雯如


利用茄子根砧增加番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)植株耐淹水性及避免土壤傳播性病害的相關研究已經很多,但針對茄砧與限水對溫室栽培番茄果實品質的影響研究仍較為不足。本研究探討灌溉頻率減半或量減半限水處理下,嫁接‘EG203’茄砧對‘玉女’番茄植株生長、果實產量與品質之影響。參試材料為嫁接茄砧(T/E)番茄,並以自根(T/T)及實生(T)番茄為對照;另外種植‘EG203’茄子(E),作為T/E之根部生長對照。2014-2015年試驗為灌溉頻率減半(FHI)之限水處理,2015-2016年則為灌溉量減半(VHI)限水處理之試驗。T/E植株出現砧負現象,且在兩期試驗皆可觀察到嫁接處水分滯留的情形,而其根部生長遠小於‘EG203’本身之根系,無論有無限水處理,也較T/T 和T為小。限水處理下,T/E葉片相對含水量的變化較T/T、T小。VHI限水處理下,T/E、T/T、T植株之土壤濕度穩定低於全量灌溉組,FHI則變動較大。在FHI處理下,產量、可售果比例降低,裂果率、乾物率增加、總可溶性固形物上升;而VHI處理,產量減少的幅度較FHI小,裂果率低於全量灌溉,乾物率則無顯著差異、總可溶性固形物下降。兩限水處理皆增加可滴定酸濃度及降低果實的糖酸比。T/E對果實產量、總可溶性固形物、可滴定酸與糖酸比影響不大,但可以有效減緩植株缺水時負面影響。綜合以上結果,溫室栽培嫁接‘EG203’茄砧的‘玉女’番茄若利用適當的VHI限水處理,應可提升果實風味、降低裂果率,且能避免產量下降。


接穗 灌溉 產量 裂果 總可溶性固形物


There was a lot of studies on the effect of using eggplant as the rootstock in tomato cultivation (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to enhance tolerance of waterlogging stress and prevent to soil-borne diseases. However, less was focused on the effect of eggplant rootstock and irrigation restriction on the fruit quality in greenhouse grown tomato. The objective of this research is to clarify the effect on growth, yield and fruit quality of grafting ‘Rosada’ cherry tomato onto ‘EG203’eggplant under frequency-halved irrigation (FHI) or volume-halved irrigation (VHI) treatments. Three plant materials were eggplant-grafted tomato (T/E), self-rooted tomato (T/T), and ungrafted (T) tomato plants. ‘EG203’ eggplant (E) was included as a control root system to T/E plants. The water management strategies were FHI in 2014-2015 trial and VHI in 2015-2016 trial. The scion base showed overgrowth in T/E plant, and had water retention at graft part. The root syetem of T/E was smaller than ‘EG203’ eggplant, and also smaller than T and T/T in regardless of irrigation restrictions. Under irrigation restrictions, the fluctuation of leaf relative water content caused by irrigation of T/E plants was smaller than that of T/T and T. In VHI treatment, the soil moisture was stably maintained lower than fully irrigation; in contrast, FHI treatment was unstable. FHI treatment decreased yield and the percent of marketable fruits, increasing the percent of fruit cracking, the percent of dry matter, and the total soluble solids. VHI treatment also decreased yield, but the impact was smaller than FHI. The percent of fruit cracking under this VHI treatment was decreased, but the percent of dry matter was no significant differences with the controls. The total soluble solids decreased when under VHI treatment. Both irrigation restrictions treatments decreased brix/acidity ratio. T/E retard the negative effect of water shortage on plant growth without affecting the total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and brix/acidity ratio of fruits. Therefore, we concluded that grafting ‘EG203’ eggplant onto ‘Rosada’ tomato with certain level of VHI treatment might enhance fruit flavor and decreasing fruit cracking avoiding without yield decreasing.


scion irrigation yield total soluble solids fruit cracking


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