  • 學位論文


Development of Cross-strait Non-profit Organizations in the Field of Social Welfare: Civil Society Perspective

指導教授 : 古允文


上世紀70年代,世界許多國家掀起民主浪潮,推動「公民社會(Civil Society)」理論的復甦,隨之80年代到90年代,公民社會視角逐漸走入兩岸學術研究領域,並且由於非營利組織在民間的活躍和能量日益增加,兩者為了互相尋找實證意義和理論支持而緊密的聯繫起來。雖然非營利組織和公民社會吸引了社會的關注,但兩岸對其定義和概念模糊,而非營利組織的貢獻和影響不易計算,更不提對公民社會進程發展的判斷和量度了。因此,本研究借助權威非營利組織研究專家Salamon教授的CNP項目全球公民社會-非營利部門國際指數指標體系構建兩岸非營利組織發展的比較架構,運用比較研究、次級資料分析等方法,以數據基礎作為支撐,發現問題,研究對策,並提出建議。 本研究發現以下結論: 1、公民視角下的兩岸非營利組織發展現狀 台灣非營利組織的發展,從能力、可持續性和影響三個方面來看都優於大陸非營利組織的水平,唯有志願者規模和持續動員能力略弱於大陸。 2、兩岸非營利組組織發展比較結果 台灣非營利組織的經濟能量大並且能提供就業市場,而大陸非營利組織的附加價值微弱;大陸志願者規模較大且具有活力,台灣志願者數量少於非營利組織的專業工作人員,因此服務具有較高的專業性;兩岸非營利組織社會福利服務功能都得到了切實的運用,對社會貢獻大;台灣非營利組織在推動民眾的公民參與上作用大,大陸的非營利組織在動員公民參與方面幾乎沒有作為;台灣非營利組織收入渠道以組織自身的收費和商業投資為主,大陸非營利組織收入渠道主要以捐贈為主比較單一;兩岸非營利組織法律法制環境然在發展過程中。 最後,本研究通過兩岸非營利組織的發展歷程並且結合數據分析,總結了兩岸非營利組織發展的模式: 台灣:「自下而上自治化道路-接軌國際-獨立服務與政府合作並存」。 大陸:「自上而下自治化道路-本土發展-依賴政府與志願服務」。 可以看到,台灣的非營利組織發展已經進入正軌發展,而大陸的非營利組織發展才剛剛起步,兩者需要更多的指導與建議。 因此本研究對兩岸的非營利組織發展提出一定的回應對策: 台灣:明晰非營利組織的組織文化,並且完善志願者服務管理。 大陸:提升非營利組織的附加價值,挖掘經濟能量。其次,提高社會福利服務功能,對社會進行有益貢獻。推動非營利組織加強公民參與,引導民眾增強對公民社會的共識。擴展非營利組織收入來源,開展公益創投。最後,改善社會團體的准入體制,建立立體監管網絡。


With the rise of the democracy tide around the world in 70s last century, the resuscitation of theory of “Civil Society” was promoted. Then from 80s to 90s, the theory gradually entered the cross-strait academic research field. Although the non-profit organizations’ development and “civil society” theory attracted much of the public’s attention, but because of the ambiguous concepts, non-profit organization's contribution and influence was not easy to calculate. Therefore, in virtue of the global civil society index system led by Professor Salamon, this research builds a comparative prototype. The main research methods in this paper included comparative study and secondary data analysis. The following conclusions are found in this study: 1. The development status of the cross-strait non-profit organizations. In the respects of capacity, sustainability and influence, Taiwan is superior to the non-profit organizations in mainland of China, only the size of volunteers is slightly weaker than the mainland. 2. The results of the development of the cross-strait non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization in Taiwan improved the economic benefits and provided the employment market,and the non-profit organizations in mainland have low value added. Mainland of China’s voluntary services has a big scale and vitality. The cross-strait non-profit organization is playing an important role in providing services. The non-profit organizations in Taiwan have multiple income streams and improved the citizen's political participating level. The cross-strait non-profit organizations’ legal system still in the process of development. Finally, this paper through the development process of the non-profit organizations of both sides and combined with data analysis, summed up the development model of cross-straits non-profit organizations. Taiwan: From the bottom up to the autonomous road - Integration of International - Independent services is juxtaposed with governments cooperation. Mainland of China: From top to bottom autonomous path - Local Development - Depend on government and voluntary service. It can be seen that the development of non-profit organizations in Taiwan is getting back on track, and the development of mainland's non-profit organizations has just started。Both sides need more guidance and advice. For this reason, this study puts forward some countermeasures for the development of non profit organizations on both sides of the Taiwan Straits: The conclusion suggests some solutions to the problems that have been discussed in the thesis. Taiwan: Define the organization culture of non-profit organizations, and to improve the management of volunteer services. Mainland of China: Enhance the added value of non-profit organizations, mining economic energy. Improve the social welfare services. Promote non-profit organizations to strengthen citizen participation level. Diversify and beef up income sources. Improve the access system of social groups.


張世雄(2001)。策劃一張自願與非營利組織研究的認知地圖:研究類型、議題與展望。社會政策與社會工作學刊, 5(2), 223-262。
