  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Sunflower Movement on the New Generation in Taiwan─Take the Young People in Yilan for Example

指導教授 : 邱榮舉
共同指導教授 : 曾建元


臺灣太陽花學運發生後對國家社會產生諸多影響,本研究探究其對宜蘭地區青年學生們的影響,並關注於他們所展開的公民行動,例如組成相關的公民團體,形成的公民思維,進行的公民參與,以及計畫並實施與研究者合作相關的議題融入教學課程,以追求國家及在地民主的深化,除了理解新世代青年學生的價值思維,透過對民主法治的體認,實踐健全的公民社會。其中研究者採行個案研究的方式,透過文獻分析、訪談法、深度訪談的相互搭配,分析臺灣太陽花學運對於宜蘭地區青年學子們的影響,做為往後建構新世代公民社會的參考,以及利用行動研究的方法進行議題融入教學,作為未來教育工作者進行議題融入教學時的範例。研究發現如下: 一、 新世代公民參與的崛起: 本次運動看出新世代青年學生有公民認知及素養,只要國家或家鄉需要,就很積極投入相關公民參與,從組織公民團體到進行與教師的合作教學,皆顯示新世代青年學生與政治距離拉近,能關心國家政治與建構公民社會,實現自己國家自己救的理想。 二、 教育對公民參與的影響: 本次運動中主角大多為新世代青年學生,他們受過高中95暫綱後的《公民與社會》科的教學,基本的公民知識皆與以往世代不同,會主動參與公共事務,透過議題融入教學後的高中生也能產生更多的思辨能力與改變,這些都是教育對公民參與的影響力。 三、 民主精神的奠基與展望: 透過本次運動看出臺灣新世代青年學生的價值觀,以及其對國家社會積極的關心程度,由宜蘭地區的青年學生作範例的觀察,發現民主法治的概念已慢慢萌芽茁壯,並將愛國愛土的精神向下扎根延續,以建立更美好的公民社會。 最後,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 政府應該認真看待公民的意見並回應民意,給予教師更多相關的研習機會,讓教師透過教學建立學生的民主法治價值觀,地方政府對於促進民主深化的友善場所能有更多支援和補助,以打造活絡思想的公民社會。 二、 教師可多篩選教學的素材,以《公民與社會》科為例,更多的時事融入教學能刺激學生思考,強化學生民主法治的觀念,並利用各種機會及人脈進行教學的進化並與時俱進,實踐公民教育的核心價值。


Abstract The study investigates the influence of sunflower movement on the new generation in Taiwan. Take the young people in Yilan for example, they have formed civil organizations, taken part in social movements, and cooperated with teachers to implement related issues into the curriculum, in order to deepen internalization of democracy in the country and make the new generation of students learn about democratic thinking and the understanding of the rule of law to establish a better society. This research employs the methods of individual study, and in-depth interviews through a qualitative approach, using action research methods to integrate issues into “Civics and Society” curriculum. The followings show the findings of this study : First, citizen participation of the new generation: The social movement helps the new generation of youths develop their citizenship and makes them understand that politics is a public concern. They are actively involved in related citizen participation when country needs them. They form civil organization and cooperate with teacher to teach about the issues of the country's political and the construction of civil society. Second, Impact of education on citizen participation: The new generation of youths had been teaching new "Citizen and Society" curriculum, they take the initiative to participate in public affairs and have much democratic thinking than old generations. Through the integration of teaching the issues to high school students can also make them have more capacity for democratic life. These are the influences of the education. Third, look forward to deepening democracy: The movement make the new generation of youths care about country and society, found the thinking of the rule of law. The democracy thinking can gradually grow up and continue to build a better civil society. Finally, this study make several suggestions: First, the government should take citizens opinions seriously, and to give teachers more opportunities for teachers to study related topics. The local government should support and subsidies to the friendly and democratic deepening shops. Second, teachers can incorporate current events into the teaching material in order to enhance democratic recognition. Keywords: Sunflower movement, citizen participation, the new generation of youths, issue-based teaching


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