  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Professional Identity, Professional Identity Conflict and Coping among Social Workers in Elderly Day Care Centers

指導教授 : 趙曉芳


「我是一個社工嗎? 我的專業在哪裡?」 這是一個來自日間照顧中心社工的自我懷疑,若讀者曾觀察日照社工之角色與職責,便不難理解這句話背後傳達的意思。由於日照社工職責相當繁雜,容易造成部分日照社工自覺工作角色限縮於「行政人員」的形象(李琪,2011:81),使專業信心產生動搖。我國日照社工大多為一人部門,督導資源與同儕社工資源較為匱乏,並不容易培養一個專業日照社工。面對工作困境無法獨自解決又無求助資源時,難免會產生內心掙扎之感受,使得自己專業認同產生動搖,產生認同衝突之感受,此時日照社工又會如何因應?上述問題促使研究者致力於探討日照社工的專業認同、專業認同衝突、衝突因應策略之關係。 本研究採取量化研究典範中的問卷調查法,以全國老人日間照顧中心社工為研究對象進行普查,依據本研究於2016年調查,全國日照社工共209位,回收120份有效問卷。相關結果摘要如下: 在描述性統計中,本研究發現: (1)日間照顧中心社會工作者專業認同相當高,然而留任意願相較之下略低; (2)日照社工的專業認同衝突主要來自職務衝突,高達七成以上之受訪日照社工表示會因其他事務繁多(例如:行政、庶務),無暇好好準備專業服務,造成專業服務品質降低; (3)在衝突因應策略中,日照社工採用合作妥協策略可能性最高。 在推論性統計中,本研究主要發現: (1)日照社工專業認同程度高,會降低專業認同衝突; (2)日照社工專業認同程度越高,使用積極因應策略之可能性越高,使用消極因應策略之可能性越低; (3)日照社工專業認同衝突越高,使用逃避策略的可能性越低; (4)對主管管理方式滿意度越高,日照社工專業認同度越高。 綜上所述,研究者提出相關政策、實務和未來研究建議,期許提升日照社工專業認同,減少專業認同衝突,進而增強積極因應策略,降低消極因應策略。


“Am I a social worker or am I professional? ”   It is an inner conflict of a social worker in an elderly day care center. If readers have ever observed the role and duties of social workers in elderly day care centers, they can understand the meaning of the questions. In Taiwan, most duties of social workers are trivial in elderly day care centers. Time spent on the administrative affairs is usually longer than time on the services of profession. Moreover, there is usually just one social worker per elderly day care center. Hence, it is not easy to cultivate a professional social worker due to the lack of resources, such as supervisors or co-workers. It easily makes a social worker feel like an administration staff but not professiona. It might affect his professional identity and cause conflicts in the work, especially, when social workers deal with an inter-professional group. The professional identity conflict might arise among different professions because of philosophies, values, and opinions regarding a treatment.   The aim of this study is to explore the level of professional identity among social workers, what causes the professional conflict and how they cope with it. This study is conducted by using a survey method. The research object is social workers in elderly day care centers in Taiwan. It is estimated 209 social workers working in elderly day care centers in Taiwan in 2016, 122 of them filled the questionnaire, and 120 of them are effective questionnaires.   Regression analysis also revealed that: (1) Social workers who showed higher levels of professional identity, were more likely to report lower levels of professional identity conflict. (2) Social workers who showed higher levels of professional identity were more likely to use positive strategies of coping, and less likely to use negative strategies of coping. (3) Social workers who showed higher levels of professional identity conflict, were more likely to use negative strategies of coping. (4) Social workers who showed higher levels of satisfaction of the supervisor’s management, were more likely to report higher levels of professional identity.


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