  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Business Strategy of Telecommunication Opeators Under The Wave of Internet

指導教授 : 李吉仁


受惠於整體資訊與行動無線通訊技術發展,智慧型手機快速普及下,電信產業因而持續成長。然而,在互聯網浪潮與行動應用與影音內容服務業者崛起下,電信業者除呈現成長趨緩外,還需面對因行動互聯網帶動上網流量遽增而增加的網路基礎建設投資,獲利也因而受到影響。 據此,本研究分析全球及國內電信產業趨勢及業界範例,考量國內市場競爭狀況,探討國內電信業者面對上述成長困境所能採取之對策,並以國內主要電信業者之一,F電信公司,為個案研究標的,探討該公司的因應策略與執行挑戰。 本研究首先透過收集次級資料與文獻,分析國內電信產業現況、產業驅動力量、互聯網與數位匯流之發展,以及跨業競爭影響評估及採行因應策略方案趨勢。其次,再根據國內外業者範例對照個案公司之因應策略佈局,以及比較與國內其他業者之策略定位,以找出其關鍵成功因素。最後,透過關鍵成功因素分析,對應個案公司現況後分析出該公司所需發展之關鍵資源與能力,並據此歸納其策略執行的挑戰以提出建議對策。 本研究發現,多角化成長策略為國內主要電信業者普遍採用之因應策略,而F電信的優勢能力在於銷售端,劣勢在技術研發及專案服務之資源與人力不足,因此建議應由內部有機式成長策略適度改採外部購併,以因應快速變化之產業趨勢。在組織運作的配置上,則必須適度加入彈性專案型態組織規劃,以因應新事業發展上高度跨事業單位協作的需要,並成立跨事業單位負責資源與能力發展之能力中心(Competence Center),以企業整體角度統籌關鍵人力資源配置。在事業領導與人才培育上,應該由成效與效率考量,透過適度團隊換血更新,帶入新事業推動之專業知識與經驗,搭配原有F電信人才轉型發展。而最關鍵的應為如何由跨越電信業相對傳統的思維,放下「主導、控制」的電信本位思考邏輯,以最大限度尋求與新興互聯網及資通訊產業鏈合作,以重新思考定義公司整體轉型方向,建立鼓勵創新與勇於承擔風險的文化核心價值,方能在此變局下提出確保股東穩定投資回報之因應策略。


Telecommunication industry has enjoyed a period of continuous growth due to the development of information and mobile technology, as well as smart phone usage. However, under the recent wave of internet, the success of mobile application service providers and internet content providers has changed the competitive landscape of telecom market. Telecom operators are now facing both slow growth and increasing demand of capital investment in communication network infrastructure due to the hyper growth of mobile data usage. This thesis aims at exploring feasible opportunities and strategies for Taiwanese telecom operators to overcome these challenges. Meanwhile, we further unravel possible difficulties associated with such strategic moves using case study on one of the major telecom operator in Taiwan. Our study first investigates the status of Taiwain telecom industry through a series of interview with the management from the selected operator. By further analyzing the impact due to internet wave as industry driving force, the study summaries the potential strategies with the key success factors needed for these strategies. Using the case study of selected telecom operator, the study analyzes the compeitition and finds the key resources and capabilities that the telecom operator requires to successfully execute the strategies. Finally, our research found that the diversification is the dominant strategy for the majority of Taiwanese telecom operators to the upcoming industry threat. Our case study further evidents that the telecom operator needs to emphasize their strength on the sales and customer relationship sides. On the other hand, M&A should be an option for the case company to enhance the weakness in technology and service delivery resources. A project-based organization is also a choice to resolve the difficulty of internal collaboration between business units when executing the strategy. Competenece center should be considered as talent development becoming essential for the operator in diversification stategy. Outside talent recruiting will help the organization change. However, the key is still the company culture change. Introducing the innovation culture and entrepreneurship into the company and going beyond the traditional telecom operator thinking will be the key to the success for the future telecom operator.


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