  • 學位論文


A Study on the Teaching Design of Chinese Novels Introduced into Culture

指導教授 : 竺靜華


在多元的華語課程中,華語小說課屬於較為小眾的課程,其特殊性並未受到普遍的重視,在教學時,常被當作一般的語言教材處理。然而,小說不僅語言精練優美,更蘊含著大量的文化因素,實是挖掘不盡的豐富材料。若在教學時能夠充分發揮小說的特性,必能讓學習者領會更多。 本研究旨在提出一套能夠廣泛適用於小說教學的文化導入小說教學模式,此套模式能夠系統性的由小說中浩繁的文化中挑選出最關鍵的文化因素,透過針對小說細節的探索與適當的引導討論,能讓學習者對小說的理解更為透徹,主動進行深入思考,相互激盪,而獲得更好的學習效果,並從文本中得到除了語言知識外的豐碩收穫。 本文首先由文獻中尋找理論之依據,接著由教材與課程兩方面切入,首先分析小說作為第二語言教材的特殊性,其後透過訪談,考察母語小說課與第二語言小說課的課程性質與教師的教學理念,由此分析並歸結第二語言小說課的特性。最後,根據小說課的教材與課程特性,提出文化導入的小說教學原則與模式,配合教案呈現小說教學模式的面貌,期能為華語小說教學提供不同的視野。


In multiple categories Chinese classes, we may assume “Chinese novel” may be categorized into niche system of teaching Chinese as the second language; also we might agree that Chinese novel teaching system has been neglected by Chinese teaching education system. For instance, Chinese novel has been taught as the general language model; however, novel might not only contain concise, graceful, or poetic sentences or words, but also include enriched cultural essences, which likes the epitome of 2000 years Chinese culture. Thus, if we may apply the specialty of Chinese novel, we might enlarge the educational field and increase learners’ level in Chinese teaching class. This research may submit the novel education model for wide cultural involving application, which may make the leaners to gain completed cultural comprehension from the text of novel structure through this mode, as well as to dig deeper into contemplation and research of the novel text. To sum up, the learner may understand the novel is more than language knowledge only, but also the enriched cultural component. This dissertation firstly might discuss the cultural factors in the language teaching system through cited material reference, and lead the cultural essence into language teaching based theory. Secondly, analysis novel as foreign language teaching model and interview the native language and second-language teachers for the result of second- language novel teaching specialty through analyzing the differences of two parties may be my next discussion. Through above analyses, we may generalize the education principles and mode of cultural involvement from basic Chinese teaching essence, which may expect to turn a new page in Chinese teaching system through this simulation of this mode.


