  • 學位論文


The Way and Period of Meeting or Communication with the Minor child after Patrental Separation or Divorce: A Study Focused on Joint Physical Custody

指導教授 : 詹森林


關於父母分居、離婚後對於未成年子女之安排,除權利義務行使或負擔以外,另一向重要項目為會面交往。就此會面交往之安排,不論我國、國際趨勢上,均以「主要照顧模式」為原則,亦即在父母不再同住之情形下,將子女交由其中一方主要照顧,而另一方僅有於假日時間探視子女。惟自1980年代起,國際上因女性就業率提昇,整體社會結構改變,對於主要照顧模式下,未成年子女經常係交由母親主要照顧,使得母親必須同時承受工作以及養育子女雙重重擔之情形,開始出現檢討聲浪。此外,因法院親權爭訟往往以女性取得壓倒性優勢,父權團體因此亦開始爭取男性於親權爭訟中之權益,共同親權、共同照顧模式之討論開始逐漸增加,倡導即便是在父母分居、離婚後之情形,子女仍應維持與父母同等之接觸,盡量平均分配父母個別照顧子女之時間。 對於共同照顧模式是否有利於子女最佳利益,學說上有相當大之爭執。反對共同照顧模式之論者認為,共同照顧模式使得子女必須奔波來回於父母之間,影響子女生活安定性,且在父母仍有衝突之情形下,可能因過於頻繁之往返導致子女陷入忠誠議題當中,故應選擇父母一方為子女之主要照顧、依附者,始有助於穩定子女身心狀況;支持共同照顧模式者則認為,子女與父母之親情聯繫始為穩定子女身心發展之根本因素,在父母分居、離婚之衝擊下,唯有採取共同照顧模式,使子女能維持與父母間之關係,始能避免子女產生被遺棄之感受,並進而減輕父母離異對於子女身心之衝擊。子女在與父母雙方均能維持穩定親情聯繫之情形下,得以快速適應父母分居、離婚後之新生活,父母則因無需爭執何者較為適於擔任子女主要照顧者,其衝突較容易獲得緩和,減輕因父母衝突對於子女所造成之身心壓力。 本文認為,在父母雙方均有對子女照顧付出、未來雙方亦均有意願照顧子女之情形,共同照顧模式確實應為子女最佳利益安排下所應考慮之方案。惟整理統計我國相關裁判可發現,我國法院實務鮮少採用共同照顧模式,且因關於會面交往模式採用之具體理由往往無法於裁判中看出,本文認為我國法院實務相當可能忽略了共同照顧模式在父母分居、離婚案件中,亦可能屬於符合子女最佳利益之選項。利用現行家事制度下之調解程序、親職教育課程,或者暫時處分引進共同照顧模式之概念,使得正值分居、離婚子女親權及會面交往紛爭之父母子女,得以有傳統所採取之主要照顧模式外之其他選擇,應有助於使得更多家庭紛爭得以盡早落幕,使子女在父母離異後,仍得以擁有來自父母雙方之關愛,生活回歸安定。


Nowadays, the models of meeting and communication with minor child after parental separation or divorce besides custody have a wide variation and remain controversial. Sole physical custody, the most common visitation rule in Taiwanese and international family court after couple’s separation, regulates that children shall reside with and be under the supervision of a single parent while visit the another one only on weekends or holidays. However, since 1980s, the increased female employment rates and changes in society structure had raised more and more conversations about sole physical custody. One of the reasons is that mothers always undertake the responsibility of raising child, including financial support. Moreover, because women often win the custody war in the court, father’s groups started to fight for their rights in custody procedure, to discuss joint legal custody and joint physical custody. Therefore, lots of arguments are questioned about whether joint physical custody is in accordance with the best interest of child. The opponents of joint physical custody doubt that children might have to travel back and forth between their parents, which would probably affect the stability of children’s life, especially when parents are still in high conflict. But those who support joint physical custody emphasize on the relationship between parents and children. They believe that adopting joint physical custody is the best way to keep the children from the feeling of loss after parents’ separation. When children can get the stable relationships with both of their parents, they will get used to the new life much faster. In addition, parents won't need to fight for sole physical custody, which is always where the conflict comes from, if they both agree joint physical custody. As a result, there won’t be so much struggles between parents, and children won’t be suffered about. This study holds the opinion that, if both parents did pay their effort on raising children in the past and they both want to take care of their children in the future, joint physical custody should be considered as a good choice for children’s best interest. Unfortunately, Taiwanese courts seldom use the concept of joint physical custody, without any specific reason. There’s a very high chance that, the concept of joint physical custody is ignored in Taiwan's judicial practices. Considering about the system of the Family Proceedings Act in Taiwan, introducing the concept of joint physical custody through mediations, preliminary injunctions or parent education courses might help more parents who are in the custody wars to know a new choice other than sole physical custody, so that they might end the conflict and give their child a stable life as before. The most important is that the children won’t loss any of their parents after parental separation or divorce.


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