  • 學位論文


A Study on Flora Wholesale Markets in Taiwan

指導教授 : 雷立芬 黃聖茹


2015年我國花卉總種植面積13,864公頃,僅佔全國可耕地面積的1.74%,但創造167億元的花卉總產值,佔總農業年產值7%,換算其耕地面積每公頃高達120.5萬元的產值,是水果、蔬菜與其他類作物(稻米、雜糧、菇類等)的2.5至7倍的產值,可見臺灣花卉產業對國內農業發展與經濟效益的重要性。由於我國花卉生產大多以小農戶為主,同時所生產的花卉高度仰賴花卉批發市場進行集中的交易,因此,花卉批發市場與花農的連動相當緊密,亦是帶動花卉產業發展的重要樞紐。因此,本研究以花卉批發市場為研究對象,探討國內花卉批發市場對接花卉產業有關生產、運銷等面向的問題,以期歸納出具體而實用的產業政策與建議。 本研究以深度訪談國內九位花卉產業界的代表,以蒐集國內花卉產業發展在生產、交易與銷售三個面向的問題。比較日本、荷蘭以及中國大陸主要花卉批發市場的經營型態,本研究分別提出因應的建議。關於批發市場部分,主要建議如增加電腦預約訂貨交易與網路即時交易等交易方式,進行變革才能擴大營運規模。其次應該重視及滿足客戶的需求,最後還要建立與制訂花卉品牌優良形象標章,如同日本市場的「金賞」蝴蝶蘭交易,以穩定花卉供貨品質,提供最佳化的花卉商品。


In 2015, Taiwan’s total planted area of flowers is 13,864 hectares, which account for only 1.74% of the country’s arable land and yet create the total annual output value of 7% in Taiwan’s agriculture sector, with up to NT$ 16.7 billion of flower output value, which is equivalent to NT$ 1.205 million per hectare of arable land. This output value is worth that of fruits, vegetables and other crops (rice, grains, mushrooms and so forth) by 2.5 to 7 times. This statistics confirm that the Taiwan’s flower industry is of importance in its domestic agricultural development and economic benefits. Because almost flower produce in small scale in Taiwan, and linked quite closely between wholesale market and growers r this is an important hub for promotion flower industry development. For this reason, this research is focused on wholesale market, investigate local flower wholesale market and know what the problem of production and transportation. And sum up concrete and practical industrial policy and suggestion. In this research, interviewed 9 top persons of industry representatives and collect problems of local flower industry in produce, transaction and sales. Compared with Japan, Holland and China in running style, this research offers suggestion respectively. Regarding wholesale market, main suggestion likes increasing pre-order through computer and website instant transaction, to change then enlarge scale of operation. To value and satisfy clients demand, in the last, to establish good quality brand image mark, same as 「gold award」 phalaenopsis transaction in Japan, to stable supply quality, offer the best quality flowers.


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