  • 學位論文


Gymspiration Fitness Center - Business Plan

指導教授 : 曹承礎


这项商业计划旨在确定日本京都的另一家健身中心的可行性,并继续我之前在京都大学进行的研究,试图确定京都健身行业的市场趋势和需求。全球健身产业急剧增加,更不用说在过去的十年中增加饮食和健康和健康。据Statista统计,2016年全球健身行业价值超过830亿美元,比2009年的健身行业数字多出近160亿美元,超过20%的增长。 虽然京都有三个主要的健身中心品牌:LS体育京都,Konami体育俱乐部和黄金健身房,但他们之间的竞争很少。没有价格战,这三个主要品牌几乎没有任何营销和广告,而这些品牌似乎非常满足于坚持城市的特定区域。尽管每个品牌在整个京都都有多个工作室,主要用于瑜伽和有氧运动。其中大部分是近年来开放的。日本最近开设了一些新的体育馆,如女仆健身房和暗房健身房。 (日本Mainichi,2016)我认为这是一个为希望拥有更健康生活方式的人开设更具竞争力的健身中心的机会,以及寻找更便宜的替代目前京都健身中心的人的机会,因为会员价格通常在8,000 ¥ - 9000日元。 體感健身房中心计划位于川端通,京阪三条火车站附近,那里交通繁忙,许多购物场所和各种公共交通工具通往京都的所有着名景点。京阪三条火车站也靠近京都市中心的京都河原町,这里是购物,饮食和聚会的中心。健身中心的核心产品和服务将为运动和举重提供优质的服务以及教育和培训。其他服务包括健美操,普拉提和瑜伽课程以及淋浴和更衣室等设施。我们将与营养专家和经验丰富的私人教练建立伙伴关系,他们将协助我们设计锻炼计划,营养和饮食计划,并教育客户营养和运动知识。我们希望教育客户营养的重要性,以及正确锻炼的好处,以免受伤。我们希望创造一个适合青少年和老年人的友好环境,让人们可以相互交流和分享他们的健身或饮食体验。 该商业计划包括健身中心的介绍,产品和服务的描述,全球健身行业的整体分析,问卷的管理,数据分析,京都三大健身中心的分析以及营销策略。此外,将执行财务分析以确定拟议计划是否是有利或不具投资。将增加开始费用的审查,所需的资金以及前三年损益表的创建和预测以及现金流量表。通过列入这些财务报表,可以进行盈亏平衡分析。 此业务计划的目的是考虑所有相关因素,收集和分析数据,并汇编信息以确保业务计划尽可能准确并取得成功。显然,这些计划将随着业务的发展而变化。


This business plan was undertaken to determine the feasibility of another fitness center in Kyoto, Japan and continues off my previous research conducted at Kyoto University trying to determine the market trends and demands of the fitness industry in Kyoto. There has been a drastic increase in the global fitness industry, not to mention an increase in dieting and being more healthy and fit within the last decade. According to Statista, the 2016 global fitness industry was worth over $83 billion USD, which was almost $16 billion USD more than the 2009 fitness industry figures, more than a 20% growth. While there are three main fitness center brands in Kyoto: LS Sports Kyoto, Konami Sports Club, and Gold’s Gym, there’s really little competition amongst them. There are no price wars, these three main brands almost do little to no marketing and advertisement, and these brands seem pretty content with sticking to specific regions in the city. Although, each brand does have multiple studios throughout Kyoto, mostly for yoga and aerobics. Most of which have opened up in recent years. There have also been new trends gyms that have opened recently in Japan, such as a maid gym and a dark room gym. (Mainichi Japan, 2016) I saw this as an opportunity for opening a more competitive fitness center for people wanting to have a healthier lifestyle as well as people looking for a cheaper alternative to the current fitness centers in Kyoto as membership prices usually start between 8,000¥ – 9,000¥. Gymspiration Fitness Center is planning to be located on Kawabata Dori, near the Keihan Sanjo Train station where there is heavy foot traffic, many shopping places, and various methods of public transportation leading to all the famous sites in Kyoto. Keihan Sanjo Train station is also near the Downtown Kyoto Kawaramachi, which is the center of shopping, eating, and hangout spots in Kyoto. The core products and services of the fitness center will be providing excellent service as well as education and training for exercising and weightlifting. Additional services will include a studio for aerobics, pilates, and yoga classes, as well as amenities such as showers and locker rooms. We will establish a partnerships with nutrition specialists and experienced personal trainers who will assist us on designing workout schedules, nutrition and diet planning, as well as educating customers on nutritional and exercise knowledge. We want to educate the customers about the importance of nutrition, as well as the benefits of exercising properly so that injuries may not occur. We hope to create a friendly environment suitable for teenagers and older where people can socialize and share their fitness or diet experiences with each other. This business plan includes the fitness center introduction, description of the products and services, overall analysis of the global fitness industry, administration of a questionnaire, data analysis, analysis of the three main fitness centers in Kyoto, and marketing strategies. Furthermore, a financial analysis will executed to determine whether the proposed plan is a profitable or not investment. Examination of the start-up costs, funding required, as well as the creation and projection of an income statement and the statement of cash flows for the first three years will be added. With the inclusion of these financial statements, a break-even analysis can be conducted. The purpose of this business plan is to consider all relevant factors, gather and analyze data, and compile the information to ensure that the business plan will be as accurate as possible and be successful. Obviously, the plans will change as the business develops.


Statista. (2017). “Health & Fitness Clubs - Statistics & Facts”
Mainichi Japan. (October 23, 2016). “Paint it black: Fitness buffs flock to dark room gyms”
Scott, Ellen. (January 27, 2017). “Japan is getting a gym where you can work out with maids”

