  • 學位論文


China’s Belt and Road Initiative: An Analysis of Susan Strange’s Structural Power

指導教授 : 張亞中


自中國大陸改革開放後的政經軍實力提升以來,中國大陸崛起在學界與實務界掀起熱議,也激起了各種不同面向的討論。而在一帶一路倡議於2013年被中共領導人習近平提出以後,更充斥著以不同視角、途徑對一帶一路倡議解讀的分析文獻。因此,本文也將以一帶一路倡議為研究主題。 目前研究中國大陸一帶一路倡議的相關文獻,多以傳統國際關係、地緣政治經濟學或國政經理論為主。然本文則試圖以一個不同、甚至與之競爭的批判性國政經觀點作為研究途徑,以結構的視角切入觀察。亦即以斯特蘭奇的結構性權力觀點分析一帶一路倡議可能對全球的權力結構以及對中國大陸所能掌握的結構性權力所構成之影響,分別包括安全、生產、金融與知識四結構。而本文將首先檢視一帶一路倡議前的既存權力結構,再進一步說明一帶一路倡議之下對四權力結構造成的改變。在安全結構中,將以中國大陸如何改善與一帶一路所經國家的雙邊關係,以及如何上海合作組織加強其在中亞的影響力。再者,在生產結構上,本文將以一帶一路下的基礎建設計畫作為案例,說明中國大陸如何影響既存的生產結構,並加強自身的生產結構性權力。而本文也將以亞投行說明中國大陸如何改變既存金融結構,亦即布列頓森林體系下的金融建制遊戲規則。最後,隨著一帶一路倡議的推行,中國模式的能見度可能將提高,而這也將進一步為以美國為主的現存知識結構帶來變動。另外,本文也將說明四結構如何互動、影響彼此。因此本文主張,在一帶一路倡議持續推行下,將改變過去以美國等西方國家所掌控的結構,增強中國大陸的結構性權力。


Since the 1979 reform, China’s rapid economic growth has stunned the world, which provokes intense and multifaceted discussion on “rising China”. Additionally, China has received more attention when Chinese President Xi Jinping first proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013. Researchers are using theories from various perspectives as approaches to understand BRI such as International Relations, International political economy, Geo-politics and Geo-economics. Hardly any theories which are mentioned above conceptualize power as power setting the agenda rather understand power as state capabilities or a given concept. Hence, the thesis will examine BRI with Susan Strange’s four structural power, which is rare to be seen as an approach to analyze China’s BRI. The four structural power approach can provide a critical and macro level views supplementing the shortcomings of traditional IR or IPE theory. The thesis conducts a series of analysis according to the four structural power which are emphasized by Strange, including security, production, finance and knowledge. The following literature will first explain how BRI alter the existing international security structure by tightening the bilateral relations with the BRI-targeted countries and consolidating China’s role in Central Asia through Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO). Then, how China enhance its structural power in production sector by investing infrastructure projects subsume under BRI. Thirdly, AIIB will be provided as an example of how China could change the existing financial structure of Bretton Wood System. Lastly, by implanting BRI, China Model is going to be seen or practiced among BRI countries, which could bring certain change to the existing knowledge structure dominated by the western idea. Additionally, I will further explain how the four structural power intertwine. In a nutshell, the thesis attempt to examine and understand changes of China’s structural power under BRI and how the structural power alters the well-established western international framework.


張登及(2017)〈「導讀」,收於卡普蘭Robert D. Kaplan,林添貴譯(2017) 《地理的復仇》。臺北:麥田出版社。頁5-18。
鄧小平(1993)《鄧小平文選 第二卷》,北京:人民出版社。
