  • 學位論文


A Study on the Structural Change of Global Passive Component Industry and Major Taiwanese Companies’ Strategy

指導教授 : 李吉仁
共同指導教授 : 吳政衛(Cheng-Wei Wu)


被動元件屬於電子零組件產業中相對低售價、低毛利、低技術門檻的一環,但其在電子零組件中具有保護主動元件,以及增加產品耐用度之不可替代性,不過由於終端電子產品大幅度受到景氣循環所影響,形塑被動元件產業需求暴漲暴跌的特殊現象,使得小廠商最終無法生存,產業呈現寡占市場結構。過去20年來全球被動元件產業歷經了數次大規模的結構變遷,對此,本研究希望探究廠商間背後策略的意涵?試圖找出過去成熟平穩的被動元件產業,發生結構變遷之主因,並聚焦在台灣廠商面臨這樣的競爭局勢下,應採取何種競爭策略?我們希望經由本研究的系統性分析為臺灣被動元件產業提供未來發展策略的建議。 本研究由全球被動元件產業結構變遷出發,研究涵蓋過去20年間被動元件產業之歷史背景、消長歷史與價值鏈分析,找出關鍵影響產業結構變遷之供需因素。接續,將聚焦於臺灣被動元件產業之績效表現,從產業歷史背景、市場結構、布局路徑與全球競爭地位角度,搭配五力分析與策略群分析,以期通盤探究產業脈絡,並找出臺灣相對於全球廠商之競爭優勢與劣勢,從而發展臺灣被動元件產業的關鍵成功因素。 透過上述分析,我們發現臺灣被動元件產業位處利基轉化群組,在高階市場需面對創新應用群組日韓廠商,在中低階市場則需面對基礎應用群組中國廠商。針對上述情況,本研究提出垂直競爭策略,以重塑亞洲被動元件供應鏈為目標,以及產品線策略搭配策略性外包與少數股權收購,以調節廠商的高低階產品產能,希望能夠透過彼此的良性互動,達成雙贏的局面。


Passive components are comparatively lower price, lower profit, and with lower level of technique among all electronic components. Despite of all these characteristics, passive components are indispensable for supporting and protecting active components in circuit design and therefore enhancing product durability. However, due to the demand volatility on many electronic devices, the market for passive components has also experienced even higher fluctuation. Such up-and-down shakes out many fringe firms and leave a few dominant firms in the global passive component industry. The present industry attempts to unravel the structural reasons leading to the formation of the current oligopolistic industry structure. Since Taiwan is the manufacturing power-house of global electronics industries, we are interested in exploring the competitive positions and future prospect of Taiwanese passive component industry within the context of global competition and structural changes. Our research starts from an exploration on the historical background and the value chain analysis of the passive component industry during the past 20 years and identifies the supply and demand factors that influence the industrial structural changes. Having found these factors, we focus on the performance of Taiwan's passive components industry, from the perspective of industrial history, market structure and global competitive position. We layout global competitive status based on five-force and strategic group analysis, upon which Taiwanese players’ competitive advantages and future strategies are discussed. According to the discussion above, we found that the passive component industry in Taiwan is located in the middle among all strategic groups we identified. It faces Japanese and the Korean manufacturers in the high-end market, and Chinese manufacturers in the low-end market. We suggest that Taiwanese companies undertake vertical integration strategy, aiming at reshaping the passive component supply chain in the Asian market. Also, we suggest to shape product portfolio with subcontracting and minority equity acquisition to adjust the capacity of high-end and low-end products. Strategic Implications of our research are also discussed.


工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心 (2010),2010電子零組件暨顯示器產業年鑑,新竹:工業技術研究院。
工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心 (2011),2011電子零組件暨顯示器產業年鑑,新竹:工業技術研究院。
工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心 (2012),2012電子零組件暨顯示器產業年鑑,新竹:工業技術研究院。
工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心 (2013),被動元件產業概況,新竹:工業技術研究院。
