  • 學位論文


An Overhaul on the Nuclear Safety Regime after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster—from the International Legal Framework to the Case Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張文貞


2011 年 3 月 11 號發生了日本歷史上有紀錄以來規模最大(9.0)的地震,並且造成福島核災,而這場災難讓我們必須重新審慎檢視既有的核能安全國際法架構。於此同時,臺灣的核電廠正面臨運轉執照已經或即將到期的問題,然而,許多關於執照換發或除役所衍生的問題卻尚未解決。因此,本研究將相對應的核安國際 公約與臺灣的內國法進行比較,藉此萃取出好的立法例提供臺灣參考,以期能進而解決核電廠執照換發或除役期間所面對的問題。本研究藉由管制目的、管制工具、輔助措施和衡平措施這四個面向的分析,有系統地整理鮮少為人所知的 1970 到 90 年代正式通過的各部核能安全相關的國際公約。本研究發現當今既有的核能安全國際公約已能完整囊括全球核能和平使用的每個面向,包含反應爐的運轉、核廢料的處理、核事故的及早通報與國際互助。然而,這些公約對於核能安全的衡平措施和實質上國際技術支援的要求卻略顯不足。此外,本研究也發現儘管臺灣的核能安全法規大多已經符合各部國際公約授權各締約國所建立的行政與立法機制,但是對於代際正義和及早向國際社會通報核事故這兩件事情上,臺灣的核能安全法規尚有需要改進之處。因此,本論文建議臺灣的核能安全法規應儘快納入代際正義和國際通報機制,而國際公約也應加強衡平措施和跨國援助的量能。本論文亦透過國際公約和臺灣法規各面向之比較,希望這些公約和法規能同步汲取對方好的措施,進而提升臺灣與全球的核能發電安全制度。


On March 11th, 2011, a magnitude-9.0 earthquake, the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japanese history, caused the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. It unveils the necessity to reexamine the existing international legal framework on the nuclear safety regime. Meanwhile, Taiwanese nuclear power plants are urgently facing the license expiration dates, but several important issues in terms of license renewal or decommissioning have yet to be addressed. As a result, it is worthwhile to compare between the international legal framework and the case study in Taiwan in order to provide some good legislative examples for Taiwan to take into account. As a matter of fact, all the international nuclear safety conventions were adopted in the 1970s to 1990s, and they were rarely noticed by the researchers nowadays. Through the analysis on the attributes of objectives, implementing measures, assisting measures, and equitable measures, this thesis introduces those international nuclear safety conventions in a systematic manner. This study found out that the existing conventions have already covered a comprehensive range of nuclear activities, including the operation of reactor facilities, the treatment of radioactive wastes, the early notification of nuclear accidents, and the assistance from the international society; however, the equitable measures and assistant missions of the conventions remained insufficient. On the other hand, this research also found out that the nuclear safety laws in Taiwan mostly comply with the guidelines of the conventions, but the intergenerational justice and the early report system to the neighboring countries of a nuclear incident shall be established as soon as practicable. As a result, this thesis suggests that the nuclear safety conventions need to be enhanced in terms of the equity and international assisting missions whereas the laws in Taiwan must promptly incorporate the intergenerational justice and a thorough reporting mechanism. At last but not least, this study compares in between the relevant conventions and laws, hoping that both sides can learn from the good practices from the counterparts so as to improve the nuclear safety regime worldwide.


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