  • 學位論文


One Generation One Frontline in Community

指導教授 : 林麗雲
共同指導教授 : 陳柔縉


2014年「太陽花學運」後,中國政府對台統戰工作進行了顯著的調整,從之前主要通過「國共平台」,轉向加強與台灣基層一線和青年一代交往交流。在福建省,廈門市海滄區和平潭綜合實驗區先後於2014年和2016年底開始,招募40余名台灣青年和8位村里長,在當地擔任「台胞社區主任助理」和「村、居委會執行主任」。即便在台灣內政部、陸委會已展開調查和處罰,兩地仍然在對原職位名改頭換面後,繼續引進11名「社區營造員」和50名「社區營造工作師」。 本研究在兩岸關係的大背景下,聚焦於兩岸社區交流中的「基層一線」和「青年一代」。通過田野調查和深度訪談,研究這些台灣人在中國所從事的社區營造工作是否確有成效,他們「西進」的動因究竟是經濟利益、自我實現、國族認同,還是以上幾種的混雜。同時通過採訪,梳理這些「西進」台灣人之間的人際網絡,如何在中國深入基層的對台策略之下,結合成統戰網絡。 在此基礎上,本研究也深入訪談相關學者、觀察者,嘗試以兩岸社區交流這一途徑為例,釐清「一代一線」策略的邏輯,「中國因素」可能對台灣造成的傷害,以及台灣應如何應對這樣的銳實力輸出。


After the "Sunflower Student Movement" in 2014, the Chinese government has made significant adjustments to the United Front work in Taiwan. From the previous "Kuomin-Communist Platform", it has shifted to strengthening exchanges towards to the grassroot frontline and young generation in Taiwan. In Fujian Province, Haicang District of Xiamen and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone started recruiting more than 40 Taiwanese youths and 8 village chiefs in 2014 and the end of 2016. They served as the Taiwan compatriot assistant to the community director and the village or neighborhood committee’s executive director. Even after the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior and the MAC have launched investigations and penalties, this two places have continued to introduce 11 “community builders” and 50 “community building engineers” after rebranding their original positions. In the background of cross-strait relations, this study focuses on the "grassroot frontline" and "young generation" in cross-strait community exchanges. Through field investigations and in-depth interviews, we investigated whether these Taiwanese's community-building work in China is indeed effective. Whether their motivation for "westward to China" is economic benefits, self-realization, national identity, or a mix of the above. At the same time, through interviews, sort out how the interpersonal networks among these Taiwanese have been combined into a united front network under China's deep-rooted strategy toward Taiwan. On this basis, this study also conducted in-depth interviews with relevant scholars and observers, and tried to use the cross-strait community exchange as an example to clarify the logic of the "one generation one frontline" strategy, the possible harm caused by the "Chinese factor" to Taiwan, and the response of Taiwan about how to deal with such sharp power output.


王承中(2019年3月11日)。〈村里長任大陸村委會幹部 內政部:調查後開罰〉,《中央社》。

