  • 學位論文

山村居民對社區資源維護願付價值之研究 —以大農大富地區及阿里山地區為例

Estimating Residents’ Willingness to Pay in Community Resources : Danongdafu and Alishan, Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


近年來環境保育觀念逐漸受到重視,各地發展不再只以經濟為導向,更加注重資源永續利用,透過價值評估的方式,了解資源保存或利用的偏好,有助於當地發展政策之規劃,合適的方針也應隨當地特色以及居民的需求而有所調整。故本研究欲挑選同時擁有生態資源、原民文化以及殖民文化的大農大富以及阿里山兩地區為研究標的,除了豐富的社區資源值得評估外,兩地區在地理位置、人口概況以及產業發展有很大差異,進一步將兩地研究結果比較,可從中探討居民背景與資源維護之間的關係。但社區資源價值難以用貨幣衡量,因此本研究採用條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM)中雙界封閉式進行詢價,受訪者支付工具除了有願付捐款(Willingness To Pay, WTP),本研究也採用過去研究較少使用的願付勞務(Willingness To Work, WTW)的方式進行,利用存活函數估計兩地資源價值。研究結果發現大農大富地區受訪居民的年齡、職業以及是否參與社區組織等變數會影響捐款意願,而年齡、職業以及居住時間會影響勞務服務意願;阿里山地區受訪居民所得、族群等變數會影響捐款意願,而是否參與社區組織會影響勞務服務意願。估計結果顯示大農大富地區每人每年願意捐款721元,阿里山地區居民每人每年分別願意捐款926元於當地資源維護上,若以兩地人口統計兩地資源總效益,大農大富地區為每年445.35萬元,阿里山地區為每年246.96萬元;就勞務服務而言,大農大富地區與阿里山地區居民每人每週分別願意提供7.38小時、7.78小時於資源維護。


In recent years, sustainable development has been received attention. Through the evaluation value of the resource of mountain villages, we can understand the residents' preference for resource maintenance and plan suitable development policies for local residents. However, there are a large number of mountain villages in Taiwan. Therefore, This paper studies the Danongdafu and Alishan community, which is rich in natural and cultural resources, aiming to construct the utility function to assess residents’ preferences, and to estimate their willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to work (WTW). In this paper, WTP was estimated by conditional evaluation method, using primary data from the field research. According to the Survival analysis, the result indicates that the age, occupation and participation in community organizations will affect the willingness to pay, residence time will affect willingness to work in Surrounding Forest Park community. The personal monthly income and ethnicity will affect the willingness to pay, participation in community organizations will affect willingness to work in Alishan community. Besides, in Surrounding Forest Park community, the highest WTP is NTD 721 per person per year and the total value of the resource is NTD 4.45 million per year. In Alishan community, the highest WTP is NTD 926 per person per year and the total value of the resource is NTD 2.46 million per year. In Surrounding Forest Park community, the residents willing to provide 7.38 hours per week for resource maintenance. In Alishan community, the residents willing to provide 7.78 hours per week for resource maintenance.


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