  • 學位論文


A Study of Taipei City Senior and Vocational High School Students' Intention to Study Abroad

指導教授 : 吳秀玲


我國於1987年起開放高中畢業生出國留學,早期留學以歐美等國家居多,2010年起中國大陸與香港高等教育機構開放台灣學生以學測成績申請入學,留學人數因而迅速增加,近十年我國高中畢業生留學人數大幅成長,留學國的選擇亦較以往多元。近年各國更積極地招收留學生,留學年齡呈現下降的趨勢,高中生的選擇不再侷限於國內大學,因此我國大學在國際化與少子化的雙重浪潮下,面臨招生不足、人才外流的情形。 為了解我國高中生選擇留學的原因與意向,與探討大學端流失的是哪一群高中生,本論文先進行相關文獻探討,同時參考有關留學的質性研究與量化研究,並以之為基礎擬定訪談大綱,分為留學國拉力因素、母國推力因素、受訪者家庭因素、個人因素等四部分,並選定我國高中應屆畢業生留學比例最高的台北市,依研究設計尋找28位符合條件的受訪者進行深度訪談。再依據訪談結果,統整受訪者的目的國、留學主因、家庭背景與個人學業成績表現,以瞭解受訪者在各方面的異同,並將訪談結果以推拉理論、社會階層相關理論、心理學相關理論,進行與理論的對話,並比較本研究與過往文獻異同之處。 本研究在理論分析上以推拉理論為主,其他理論為輔。研究發現,受訪者留學的成因眾多,最主要的因素為留學國的文憑價值、文化多元性、語言環境等所形成的拉力,以及國內大學在教育制度與教學方式、就業環境等推力因素,而家庭因素亦是受訪者能留學的關鍵,因為父母親雄厚的經濟資本,重視子女的教育、培養受訪者的語言能力、定期接觸國外事物開拓眼界,無論是經濟上或心理上均提供受訪者留學所需的支持,使受訪者能一圓留學夢。除了外在因素與家庭因素以外,留學本身對受訪者而言意味著夢想實現與接受挑戰,故留學除了取得更好的文化資本以外,更是人生的自我實現。本論文研究的時間點恰逢Covid-19肆虐全球之際,教育部相關統計資料顯示2020年留學人數也較以往明顯下降,因此在訪談資料中進一步分析疫情對留學意向如何造成影響,與造成何種影響。 最後,本論文依據相關理論與分析訪談內容歸納我國高中生留學之主因,並提出研究發現與政策建議,以供相關教育單位參考。


Since 1987, the Taiwanese government has allowed high school students to study abroad, and north American and European countries tend to be the students’ top priority for this stage. From 2010, with China and Hong Kong higher education institutions having welcomed students to enroll in their schools and programs with their GSAT score, the number of students studying abroad has increased. For this decade, the number of high school students studying abroad has grown significantly, given more diversity to choose from. Recently, as countries have welcomed international students with open arms, more and more senior high students study abroad at a younger age and they have not limited their choices to domestic universities. As a consequence, due to the impact of globalization and declining birth rate, universities in Taiwan are facing the crisis of under-enrollment and talent drain. To understand senior high students’ reasons and intention to study abroad and explore the issue of the potential shrinking talent pool in domestic universities, the study starts with literature review, as well as related qualitative and quantitative research. Interview outline is constructed on the basis of literature, and it is categorized into four sections: pull factors from other countries, push factors from home countries, family background factors and personal factors of the interviewees. 28 qualified participants are selected from in Taipei city, which has the highest rate of senior high school graduates studying abroad. Based on the results of the interview, the study aims to understand the similarities and differences among the interviewees, taking their most preferred countries for studying abroad, major reasons for studying abroad, family background, individual academic performance into consideration. Furthermore, a theoretical discussion is conducted on the result of the interview and several other theories, including Push and Pull theory, related social class theories, associated psychology theories. A discussion concerning the similarities and differences with the previous research studies is also included. Based on the findings, the theoretical analysis of the study focuses on Push and Pull theory, supplemented by related theories. As the findings suggest, among the factors that influence high school students’ decision to studying abroad, the major pulling factors include the diploma value of the foreign countries, the diversity of the cultures and the language environment; pushing factors such as educational systems in the home countries and employment environment, etc. are held responsible. Family factors play a crucial role as well. With the strong financial support from interviewees’ parents, their great emphasis on the interviewees’ education, language ability, and constant exposure to international communities to broaden the interviewees’ horizons, the interviewees can make their dreams to study abroad come true, being supported financially and psychologically. In addition to the external and family factors, studying abroad is a way to accept challenges and achieve self-realization. As the study is conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of students studying abroad is on the decline, according to the statistics from the Ministry of Education. In the interview, how the pandemic affects interviewees’ intention to study abroad and what effects it has is also probed into. In conclusion, the study presents the conclusions of the study and suggestions for policy-making based on related theories, policies as well as the interview results and analysis.


