  • 學位論文


Bones and Kingship: Social Hierarchy and Identity of Yinxu Burial Bone Artifacts

指導教授 : 陳芳妹


本研究旨在探討河南安陽晚商時期(ca. 1300-1046 BC.)殷墟遺址墓葬中的骨器所呈現的的身分等級。過去關於殷墟骨器的研究主要關注西北岡大墓與製骨作坊,分別討論大墓排序與製骨工藝,另有少數文章討論個別骨器的形制與紋飾問題。殷墟出土骨器尚未作全面的調查,骨器的系譜尚未建立,且我們並不清楚西北岡大墓以外墓葬中骨器的分布情況,也沒有學者探討殷墟發展出高度精緻的骨器工藝背後的原因。 本研究蒐集1928年至今殷墟考古報告中所有出土骨器的墓葬約200座,並將陪葬骨器分門別類。透過骨器的形制和墓葬出土位置所推測它們的用途,分析了11種可辨器形的骨器。作為食器的有骨容器和骨柶;作為裝身具的有梳、雕刻動物、刻刀、觿、笄;作為兵器的有弓帽、鏃;作為樂器的是塤;作為木器鑲嵌裝飾的則是骨飾片。 在這個基礎上,把這些骨器放到出土的時間脈絡及墓葬等級脈絡中觀察,可以看到殷墟二百多年間不同時段使用了哪些骨器用於陪葬,而且每一種骨器有鮮明的使用者身分限制。在時序發展方面,本研究探討了由早商時期鄭州商城到晚商殷墟隨葬骨器隨葬骨器種類,以及隨葬骨器的墓葬由少到多的過程。殷墟一二期的貴族對骨器特別有興趣,不論任何等級他們的墓葬中的骨器都多於三四期的同等級的墓葬。貴族墓葬對骨器的獨佔現象在殷墟二期尤其明顯,在殷墟三期之後,貴族墓葬對骨器的獨佔逐漸鬆動,甚至只有陶容器陪葬的墓葬,也出土一件素面骨柶、骨鏃或骨笄。 骨器的數量、種類、樣式、物種體現了一個人在商王朝中的位置。不同身分等級的墓葬陪葬骨器的數量、種類有明顯的差別,更因墓主和商王的關係親近而陪葬特別豐富的骨器,而不一定和青銅器的數量呈正比。擁有較多骨器陪葬的貴族都可以在甲骨文獻中找到他們的紀錄,他們的身分可能是王室成員、貞人,或與王關係密切的軍事將領。 骨器成為威信財可能和晚商時期商王控制的製骨作坊、黃牛的畜牧與野生動物狩獵有關。製骨作坊骨料坑顯示,家牛骨是製作殷墟骨器普遍使用原料。在殷墟出土的家牛骨骸比例高於晚商以前中原地區的遺址,也遠高於同時期的其他聚落。家牛在晚商成了一種威信財,從飼養到消費皆高度集中在統治階級。殷墟肉食來源主要取自家養動物,狩獵不再是生計活動,而成了一種侷限在統治菁英的政治性活動。獵物的骨骸是征服的產物,如象、兕、虎,這些骨骸成了王權與遼闊勢力的象徵,只屬於商王及王室成員,而商王的賞賜行為揭示了這些物品所具有的威信與親密性。骨器在殷墟成為象徵身分的物品背後,可能是作為雛形帝國的商王朝統治菁英對自然的征服與生命的控制。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the social hierarchy of bone artifacts in the tombs of Yinxu site in Anyang, Henan Province during the late Shang period (ca. 1300-1046 BC.). This study analyzes 200 tombs with bone artifacts in Yinxu and classifies 11 types of bone artifacts according to the shape of the bones and their location in the tombs, including bone containers, bone spatulas, combs, carved animals, carving knives, xi觿, hairpins, bow hats and arrowheads and xun塤. This study discusses the chronological development of burial bone artifacts from Zhengzhou in the early Shang Dynasty to the Yinxu period. The nobles in the Yinxu phase I and II were particularly interested in bone artifacts, and there were more bone artifacts in their tombs than in phase III and phase IV. After phase III, noble tombs' exclusive control of bone artifacts gradually loosened. Even burials with only pottery vessels could hold a few simple bone artifacts. The number, type, style, and combination of bone artifacts in tombs reflect one’s social position in the Shang Dynasty. Nobles with many bone artifacts buried can find their records in oracle bone inscriptions. It can be speculated that due to the close relationship between the tomb owner and the kings, not necessarily related to how many bronze vessels the tomb owner held, there are vibrant bone artifacts buried with them. Their identities are royal family members, diviners, or intimate military generals. The fact that bone tools became prestige goods may be related to the bone workshops, cattle farming, and wild animal hunting controlled by kings of the late Shang Dynasty. The pit of the bone workshop shows that cattle bones are commonly used raw materials for making bone artifacts. The proportion of domestic cattle bones unearthed in Yinxu is much higher than that of other settlements of the same period. Domestic cattle became a kind of prestige wealth in the late Shang Dynasty, and they were highly concentrated in the ruling class from breeding to consumption. At the same time, the meat source of Yinxu is mainly domestic animals. Hunting is no longer a livelihood activity, but a political activity limited to the ruling elite. The skeletons of wild animals are the product of conquest, including elephants, wild buffalo, and tigers. These skeletons became symbols of power, belonging only to the kings and members of the royal family. Moreover, the bone artifacts rewarded by kings reveals the prestige and intimacy of these objects.


