  • 學位論文


Kaohsiung City Marketing Research - Mainland exchange students in I-Shou University as an example

指導教授 : 蕭宏金
共同指導教授 : 陳錦麗(Jin-Li Chen)


近年來,高雄市政府主打行銷策略「旅行台灣,首選高雄」,希望能爭取到更多的大陸旅遊團與自由行來台灣,而台灣大陸交換生也日趨增多。對於高雄市積極發展觀光產業,大陸交換生可以是行銷對象之一,並且能將短期交流的高雄市旅遊意象分享回大陸,近於創造更多的高雄意象與重遊意願。本研究之目的旨在以實證方式驗證高雄市城市行銷與旅遊意象對重遊意願之影響。研究樣本以義守大學大陸交換生為研究對象,總計發出400份問卷,回收問卷316份,扣除無效14份後,回收有效之問卷為302份。以城市行銷量表、旅遊意象量表與重遊意願量表作為研究工具,經描述性統計、信度檢定、因素分析、Pearson積差相關分析及階級迴歸等方法進行分析,研究所得結果如下:(1)城市行銷與重遊意願具顯著之正相關。(2)旅遊意象與重遊意願具顯著之正相關。(3)城市行銷對重遊意願具顯著之影響,其中吸引力行銷、民眾行銷對重遊意願具顯著之正向關係。(4)旅遊意象對重遊意願具顯著之影響,其中生活體驗對重遊意願具顯著之正向關係。 此外,本研究除了對所得結果提出解釋外,並對研究結果的應用加以討論,同時對高雄市城市行銷建議如下:(1)增加對大陸交換生推廣宣達各類高雄市資訊,以提升重遊意願(2)加強訓練公務機關服務員對大陸交換生友善之服務,以提升重遊意願(3)塑造出對大陸交換生良善之短期交換生活環境,以提升重遊意願;另外亦對未來研究提出一些建議。


In recent years, the Kaohsiung City Government has been carrying out the marketing strategy, which is called "Touring in Taiwan, Best choose Kaohsiung ", hoping to attract more tourist groups and self-service travelers from mainland China, and the number of exchange students is also increasing. As the government positively striving to develop tourist industry, exchange students from mainland China, who will bring back and share their short-term travel experience in the mainland, in turn, creating more willingness of revisit, can be one of their marketing targets. The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of Kaohsiung City marketing and travel experience on the willingness of revisit in an empirical manner. This study is based on a sample of exchange students from the mainland in I-Shou University. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed and 316 copies were taken back. Deducting 14 invalid questionnaires, there are 302 effective copies. With the Scales of City marketing , travel experience and willingness of revisit as research tools, through descriptive statistics, reliability test, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis, results are summarized below: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between city marketing and willingness of revisit. (2) There is also a remarkable positive correlation between travel experience and willingness of revisit. (3) City marketing has a notable impact on the willingness of revisit, and there are remarkable positive correlations among attraction marketing, interpersonal marketing and willingness of revisit. (4) Travel experience has an outstanding impact on the willingness of revisit, and there is a notable positive correlation between life experience and willingness of revisit. In addition, this study offers some suggestions about marketing strategies to the Kaohsiung City Government, as well as explanations to the research and discussions about the application of results. These suggestions are as follows: (1) Increase all kinds of information about Kaohsiung City which is promoted and disseminated to the exchange students from the mainland. (2) Encourage local residents to treat exchange students kindly when help is needed. Improve service quality of authority staff, police officers and so on to give warm services, which can enhance the students’ willingness of revisit. (3) Create a touring environment with nice quality and service, which is hospitable to exchange students, in order to strengthen their willingness of revisit. The study also gives some suggestions for future researches.


毛治國(2009)。觀光政策之規畫與推動,研考雙月刊, 33(2),96-102。


