  • 學位論文


The Study of Establishing an Estimating Model of Military Personnel Happiness Index by Habitual Domain and Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 陳泰良


顯學的話題-幸福指數,由不丹國王於2008年所提出概念,在於衡量政府相關政策,是否可讓國民感受政策所帶來的幸福感。目前研究幸福指數的專家學者或機構單位研究對象大多以國家、城鄉或機關團體等居民或職員。始終默默守護著國土及人民安全的軍人,社會大眾卻常忽視其的幸福感受。鮮少研究學者及專業單位機構會去作職業軍人這方面的研究探討為主題。 國軍負有保家衛國之責,支援社會任務,以滿足社會之需求及落實官兵照顧。而當某軍事單位發生傷亡或違紀事件時,新聞媒體總會舊事重提,進行批判。軍職人員常須依任務性質調整職務或重大災害事件支援﹙如颱風、地震及氣爆等﹚,壓縮訓練成效,造成自身專業能力不足,也因長時間處於軍中,間接影響對家庭的照顧,連帶影響工作士氣及幸福感受。因此,藉由本研究能找出影響軍職人員主客觀幸福指標之相關因子,且依照研究分析結果,提出相關建議,以利組織單位營造出幸福環境,讓人員認同成為幸福組織的一員。 因此,本研究以「牛津幸福問卷量表」、中華徵信所「產業幸福指數」及行政院主計總處「美好生活指數」等作為彚整衡量建構評估量表之依據。經由相關文獻整理與探討,提供個案單位釐清影響幸福指數之選擇構面與準則;結合習慣領域理論(Habitual Domain ‚ HD)與層級分析法( Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP )的執行步驟下;進行關係間權重相互比對,資料蒐集層面分為:初級資料、次級資料與專家問卷。蒐集資料之目的,在於透過文獻探討中,釐清影響軍職人員幸福指數之相關評估準則。 依據本研究分析結果顯示,幸福指數關鍵因素前六項計有「升遷管道完整性」、「工作與收入」、「上司支持度」、「公司福利成長性」、「領導風格」和「所得與財富」。軍職人員特別對「升遷管道完整性」認為是影響軍職人員幸福指數關鍵因素首選,其次為「工作與收入」。經實證結果分析後,將依據結果提出研究建議如下:建構完善升遷制度與建構完善福利制度、建構生活與工作品質、工作成就職場環境。


“Gross National Happiness”, a concept of prominent proposed by the king of Bhutan in 2008, examined a government’s policies could bring its nationals happiness or not. So far the objects of this concept’s study were the residents of a country or the employees of a company; however, for the military personnel who protect their country and people, the fewer studies researched their feeling of happiness. The military personnel were responsible for guarding and disaster relief. Nevertheless,when accidental casualties or discipline offending occurred in some military base, the mass media usually referred to other related matters of the past and criticized without mercy. The military personnel have to often transfer their stations because of missions or disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and gas explosions, etc. This resulted in some quick training and deficient professional abilities. Besides, the military personnel stayed in their posts over a long time and neglected their family life, and therefore their morale and happiness were sometimes lower. So this study will find the subjective and objective factors which affect the military personnel’s happiness. Consequently, according to the analysis it will recommend some suggestions helping military organizations to create a happy environment and their personnel’s identification. This study built a measuring table by Oxford Happiness Inventory, China Credit Information Service. Industry Happiness Index and OECD Better Life Index(of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics). Moreover, it offered individual institutions the selection standard by referring to other related documents, and also weighed the relationship through combining Habitual Domain(HD)with Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). The ways to collect information were as follows: primary data, Secondary data and Expert questionnaire, and its objective will provide the standard for evaluating the military personnel’s happiness. According to this study, the key factors of “Gross National Happiness”were “Promotion system Integrity”, “Work and income”, “Supervisor support”, “Corporate welfare growth” , “Leadership style”and“Income and wealth”, Especially“Promotion system integrity”was the first of all key factors for the military personnel and “Work and income”was the second one. After analyzing these demonstrations, the study summed up some recommendations as below: “establishing an integral promotion system”, “building an integral welfare system” and“keeping the high quality life and work” , “setting the fine work achievement and environment”.


