  • 學位論文


Effects of Door Leaf Construstion on Fire Endurance Performance of Wood-based Fire Doors

指導教授 : 林曉洪博士


本研究之目的旨在探討以不燃之鍍鋅鋼板及氧化鎂板等材料與四種木質材料(合板、中密度纖維板、粒片板及亞麻粒片板)進行層積複合,以研製1小時防火時效之木質防火門。探討防火門門扇結構與門框角材種類對木質防火門耐火性能之影響。依材料之特性,規劃40種不同結構之門扇組合及兩種角材之變化,共計80組門扇。根據CNS 11227「建築用防火門之耐火性試驗」之試驗標準,利用實驗室小型防火門標準試驗爐(尺寸45×45 cm)進行加熱試驗,以評估可通過試驗標準規定之1小時防火時效木質防火門扇之最佳組合。 研究顯示,以實木及單板層積材門框角材系列之防火門設計中,經加熱及衝擊試驗評估,顯示可符合CNS 11227 各項耐火性能要求者,總計29扇可通過1小時防火時效 (甲種)。其中實木門框角材系列防火門及單板層積材門框角材系列防火門各計14及15扇。最佳門扇結構者為A-4系列者,結構依序為(由外向內側)【氧化鎂板/鍍鋅鋼板(層間材部分)-/氧化鎂板/木質材料/氧化鎂板/(心層部分)-/鍍鋅鋼板/氧化鎂板】等之門扇組合;結構最差者為A系列中之A-1.1【氧化鎂板(層間材部分)-/木質材料/鍍鋅鋼板/木質材料(心層部分)-氧化鎂板】與B系列【氧化鎂板(層間材部分)-/木質材料/鍍鋅鋼板/木質材料/(心層部分)-氧化鎂板;鍍鋅鋼板(層間材部分)-/氧化鎂板/木質材料/氧化鎂板/(心層部分)-鍍鋅鋼板】等結構組合。 探討熱傳導率對門扇心材保留率、炭化速率及門扇背溫,兩者間具顯著至極顯著之相關,R2值均達0.8以上。 四種木質材料所構成之門扇之細部分析(質量損失率、角材厚度損失率、角材炭化速率、心材保留率、心材炭化速率及門扇背溫) 經鄧肯氏新多變域分析門扇各項因子,均為B結構 > A結構 ≒ C結構之趨勢(p<0.05),僅心材保留率部分為A結構 ≒ C結構 > B結構(p<0.05)。探討A、B、C結構門扇各項因子(質量損失率、角材厚度損失率、角材炭化速率、心材保留率、心材炭化速率及門扇背溫)。其中熱傳導率、門扇質量損失率及門扇背溫等因子為B結構 > A結構 ≒ C結構之趨勢。而角材厚度損失率、角材炭化速率及心材炭化速率等因子為B結構 > C結構 > A結構之趨勢(p<0.05)。僅心材保留率部分為A結構 ≒ C結構 > B結構之趨勢(p<0.05)。 實木及單板層積材所構成之門框角材,於四種木質材料(合板、中密度纖維板、粒片板及亞麻粒片板)構成之防火門中,僅7扇以實木製成者,其厚度損失率高於單板層積材,而單板層積材共有19扇之厚度損失率高於實木。顯示高密度之實木對火害有較佳之抵抗。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of one-hour fire rating of wood-based fire doors using the incombustible galvanization steel plate, magnesium oxide board and four wood-based materials (plywood, medium density fiberboard, particleboard and flaxboard) as raw materials to composite, and to discuss the effect of door construction and the variety of door frame and saw lumbers on door’s fire endurance performance. According to the properties for various type materials, 80 doors with 40 different structural combination and 2 variation of saw lumbers on the fire endurance performance for one-hour rating fire doors based on the CNS 11227 test standard which is heating with the small test furnace (size: 45cm×45cm) for Lab to estimate the best combination of wood-based materials fire doors. The test results shows that the door frame saw lumbers with solid wood and laminated veneer lumber(LVL) series can achieve each fire endurance standard after burning and impact test. Total with 29 fire doors can pass one-hour fire rating (class A). Among them, there are 14 and 15 doors of door frame saw lumbers with solid wood and LVL series, respectively. The best construction of specimens was A-4 series in order of [ magnesium oxide board/galvanization steel plate/(inter-layered materials)—/magnesium oxide board/wood-based materials/magnesium oxide board/(core materials)—/galvanization steel plate/magnesium oxide board] from outer layer to inter layer, while the worst were No. A-1.1 in A series, in order of [magnesium oxide board/(inter-layered materials)-/wood-based materials/galvanization steel plate/wood-based materials/(core materials)-magnesium oxide board] and B series [galvanization steel plate(inter-layered materials)—magnesium oxide board/wood-based materials/magnesium oxide board/(core materials)—/galvanization steel plate]. Third, the correlation between the thermal conductivity and retention rate of core materials, charring rate and the door leaf back temperature. It shows that each of them all correlates with the thermal conductivity very closely. The R2 values are all over 0.8. Next, through Duncan's new multiple range analysis on 1.thermal conductivity, 2.mass lose percentage, 3.saw lumber thickness lose percentage, 4.saw lumber charring rate, 5. retention rate of core materials, 6.core material charring rate, 7.door leaf back temperature with the four wood based materials, The tendencies of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 are B series > A series ≒ C series(p<0.05), only the tendency of 5 shows A series ≒ C series > B series(p<0.05). As comparing A, B, C series construction with Duncan's new multiple range analysis, the trends of 1, 2, 7 are B > A ≒ C; 3, 4, 6 are B > C > A(p<0.05). Only trend of uncarbonized retention rate is A ≒ C > B(p<0.05). To the saw lumbers which are made by solid wood and LVL, the saw lumber thickness loss of 7 specimens made by solid wood are higher than made by LVL, however, there are 19 specimens made by LVL higher than solid wood specimens. Thus, it is conclude that high-density wood gets better fire endurance performance.


林曉洪、王秀華、廖英志、顏妙芬、陳弘彬(2000)甲種木質防火門製造方法及耐火性能探討。林產工業 19(3):343-362。
林曉洪、王秀華(2001)心層材料暨板厚對層積複合板耐火性能之影響。林產工業 20(1):45-54。
