  • 學位論文


Assessment of the First Stage Performance of Community Forestry Program in Dongshih, Nantou and Hsinchu Forest District, Taiwan Forest Bureau

指導教授 : 羅凱安


林務局為解決森林保育與當地社區發展問題,於2002年開始推行社區林業政策(Community forestry program,CFP),鼓勵社區居民參與自然資源管理,希望達成自然保育與社區發展的共榮目標。然其政策沒有系統性的研究。而本研究主要目的即是探討如何衡量社區林業計畫之成效,提供未來我國社區林業政策發展之參考。透過文獻整理本研究將影響CFP成效因素分成4個層面(社區林業投入、其他計畫投入、組織與計畫執行、產出)及15個指標。應用層級分析法(Analytic hierarchy process, AHP)分析各專家學者對此4層面及15個指標之權重,再利用相同構面指標之量表量測社區主事者對社區表現之自評得分,將權重與得分相乘加總求得各社區執行CFP之成效。實證上,本研究係以南投、東勢、新竹林區管理處轄內參與第一階段社區林業計畫社區為研究範圍與對象,並將參與第一階段CFP之組織分為四種類別:未參與、執行過一次、首次執行、執行多次。結果顯示,由AHP分析得知專家學者對「社區林業計畫投入」(0.32)、「組織與計畫執行」(0.36)給予較高之權重。四種類別組織中,未申請之社區成效達成率有41.0%(基線),執行過一次61.0%,首次執行之社區67.0%,執行多次有74.0%,此結果顯示社區林業計畫具有其成效。


Abstract For the sake of forest conservation and the community development, Taiwan Forestry Bureau initiated community forest policy (CFP) since 2002 so as to encourage the community residents participating in the natural resource management. The main purpose of this thesis was to explore what approach can evaluate the performance of the CFP. The results will provide some information to the dicision-makers of the CFP. The methodology of this research was divided the CFP performance framework into 4 affecting demesions (Input of CFP, Input of the other plans, Organization/ Implementation, and Output) and 15 indices from review of the related literature of CFP. AHP is the first approach to elicit the weight of the experts and academy researchers under the previous CFP performance framework. Then the community charger was surveyed by using the same CFP performance framework. The surveyed objects of this study included that the community organations partcipated in the first stage of the CFP, they are all belong to Nantou, Tungshih, and Hsinchu Forest Districtof TFB. We also divided these surveyed objects into four categories: Never apply, Applied one time, New apply, and Apply many times. The results showed that the experts and academy researchers rated Input of CFP (0.32) and Organization/ Implementation (0.36) have higher weight. Finally, we computated total scores from four categories surveyed objects. Never apply was 41% performance (base line), Applied one time was 61%, New apply was 66%, and Apply many times was 74%. This result shows that the CFP is effectiveness.


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