  • 學位論文


The Effects of Acorn Production on Abundance of Large Mammals in Dafen of Yushan National Park

指導教授 : 黃美秀


櫟實是許多野生動物重要的食物資源,其季節性的生產量變動會影響食物資源可得性。殼斗科植物是台灣中低海拔的優勢植物組成,然國內有關殼斗森林的物候和櫟實產量,以及與野生動物族群的關係之資訊,則十分不足。本研究旨在探討玉山國家公園台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)重要棲息地的大分地區,主要樹種青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)的物候週期和櫟實生產狀況,以及與大型哺乳動物相對豐富度和活動之關係,以期瞭解殼斗科森林對於5種大型哺乳動物(包括台灣黑熊及4種偶蹄類動物)的潛在影響。 自2007年6月起逐月觀察45棵青剛櫟樣樹的物候現象,變化週期與種子陷阱所得結果相同。熟果期為10月至次年2月,但就落果數量及總重量而言,11月及12月則為高峰期,分別佔全年果量43%及果重61%;此時期也是動物對櫟實取食量最高的時候,每月地面櫟實落果的移除率高達10-12顆/ m2。樣區地面活動的動物對於櫟實造成極大的掠食壓力,落果被掠食的比例自10月至次年1月遞增,92-97%的落果皆在一個月內便遭取食,直到2月的落果及取食程度才大幅減少。 痕跡調查(2007年2月-2008年12月)和自動照相機(2006年10月-2009年1月)監測皆發現,台灣黑熊的相對豐富度於各年之青剛櫟結果季皆顯著大於非青剛櫟結果季。就整個青剛櫟結果季而言,台灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor)和野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)的豐富度,亦皆為非青剛櫟結果季的2倍以上。然山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)的豐富度在季節間之變化,於兩年則呈現不同的趨勢;台灣野山羊(Capricornis swinhoei)的整體豐富度則未顯示季節間的顯著變化。這些動物的季節性豐富度於不同年間的變化,青剛櫟結果季一般較非青剛櫟結果季明顯,顯示出青剛櫟結果量的年間變化對於動物豐富度之可能影響。在此5種大型哺乳動物中,僅發現台灣黑熊的季節性活動模式未有顯著一致,於青剛櫟結果季會增加夜間活動的頻度。 因此,本研究顯示大分地區青剛櫟果實提供該地多數大型哺乳動物重要的季節性食物資源,然對於不同物種的相對豐富度及活動則呈現不同程度的影響。此除了與物種的生態習性及種間交互作用有關之外,可能也受到其他食物資源的大尺度分布和豐度變化影響。


Acorns are a highly nutritious food resource for many wildlife species. The seasonal acorn production results in fluctuation of food availability. The Fagaceae family is a main component of forests in sub-mountain and mountain zones of Taiwan. However, its phenology and acorn production, and their relationship with wildlife abundance is barely known in Taiwan. The objective of this study was to understand the phenology and acorn production of the ring-cupped oak (Cyclobalanopsis glauca) in Daphan of Yushan National park, a critical habitat for the endangered Formosan black bear (Ursus thibetanus formosanus). It was designed to understand the effect of the oak forest on the temporally relative abundance of five large mammals, including the bear and four ungulates. I observered 45 ring-cupped oak trees monthly for one year, since June 2007. The acorn matured gradually from October to the following Febuary. According to the amount and dry weight of acorns collected from seed traps, the peak of mature fruiting occurred in November and December. The fruiting peak was consistant with the pressure of acorn predation by wildlife, when the removal rate was high, i.e., 10-12 acroms/m2. The removal percentage of fallen acorns caused by the animals continually increased from October to January (92-97%). Most of the fallen acorns were consumed within a month. By February, the amount of fallen acorns and the percentage of acorns used by wildlife reduced substantially. The results of sign survey (February 2007 to December 2008) and camera traps (October 2006 to January 2009) both showed that the relative abundance of black bears in acorn seasons was greater than in non-acorn seasons for the years studied. With regard to the whole acorn season, the sambars (Rusa unicolor) and wild boars (Sus scrofa taivanus) both showed the same seasonal variation, with twice the relative abundance compared to the non-acorn season. Howevere, the seasonal variation of raltive abudnace of Formosan Reeve's muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus) differed by years, and no significant seasonal difference was found in serows (Capricornis swinhoei). Moreover, Formosan balck bears were the only species to demonstrate a different activity pattern between seasons by increasing their nocturnal activity during acorn seasons. The seasonal variation of relative abundance of these animals across years seemingly fluctuated more in acorn seasons than in non-acorn seasons, indicating the potential effects of acorn availability on wildlife. The result indicated that the acorn of ring-cupped oaks in Daphan presented a critical seasonal food resource for most of the large mammals. However, the effects of acorns on the relative abundance and activities of the animals may vary by their specific ecological requiremt, interspecific interaction, and large-scale distribution and abundance of other food resources.


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