  • 學位論文


The Research of Leaving Poverty of Youth People:A Study of Program of Educational Investment in Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 何華欽


貧窮是跨越人類社會世代的重要議題,其影響的年齡層或族群甚為廣泛。本研究針對青年與脫貧議題進行深入的探討,根據政府與民間發展脫貧方案協助青年自立之脈絡,本研究將從生活經驗著眼,藉由脫貧歷程之階段性中,探討青年在致貧、參與方案與工作自立的脫貧歷程,以期能透過青年的主觀論述,找尋青年脫貧過程的核心與意義,進而了解青年在脫貧過程的整體輪廓。 研究者針對高雄市慈善團體聯合協會之助學方案的經濟弱勢青年為訪談對象,現階段已畢業且具有工作身分者,並邀請八位受訪青年參與研究,以質性研究方法為主,用深入訪談方法蒐集研究文本並分析資料。 研究發現青年在致貧階段,主要陷入貧窮是因為家庭經濟問題的影響,於此青年在求學及生活當中,因為經濟問題而產生個人負向匱乏與正向轉念之感受。參與方案階段,隨著青年不斷求學深造,因為家庭經濟弱勢背景,需依靠教育投資方案協助並藉此在心理、社會與經濟議題上,使青年獲得轉變與成長。工作自立階段,青年完成學歷並取得工作資格,進一步使個人生活自立與穩定經濟基礎,得以回饋家庭與社會。 研究建議脫貧方案積極協助經濟弱勢家庭自立,並加強對青年經濟性與社會性需求之補助,進而鼓勵投入就業,使其青年自立動能增強,學習個人自立精神,進一步收個人與社會之最大效益。


青年 貧窮 脫貧 教育投資 工作自立


Poverty, which is the most important issue, acrosses human being’s generation, and it has been widely utilized in age and groups. This study discuss the relationship between the youth and the issue of poverty. According to the information from the goverments and profit groups develope the case of leaving poverty to aid youth to independent. The reserch is based on youth life expereince which with the phases of leaving poverty to analysis the subjective experience of youth are in every different pharses and through this concept to find the core and meaningful of youth leaving poverty period, and even understand them. The methods of the study included were data collected from 8 youth who joined the program of education Assistance plan in Kaohsiung. The research methods is the qualitative research approach, and research analysis were in-depth interviewing, and analysis the result. The result we have found out the youth who are in the different phrases should be affected importanly, and even social resources of education investment not only influence the action of youth independent, but also bring the positive benefit. The research found out the problem that youth who are in the casuse of poverty is the economic of family, because of economic problem, it makes youth have the feeling of negetive and positive. During these phases, by the aid of education investment, the youth could follow their study, and make them growth. the phase of independent-living by work, the youth once get study experiene and take the qualifications of work to establish person’s life and economic to feedback their family and society. The suggestion of this study is the case of leaving poverty to aid the family independent from disadvantage economic and enhance the youth economic and the need of sociality to encourage them to work and make them learn independent. Keywords:Youth, Leaving Poverty, Poverty, Education Investment, Independent-living by Work.




