  • 學位論文


A Study of Community Development Practitioners’ Competence --Examples of Kaohsiung City Community

指導教授 : 李聲吼


論文摘要: 本研究從社區工作實務的概念,探討社區能力建構、社區工作永續經營能力等觀念。本研究主要目的在於探討高雄市的社區發展協會實務工作者能力指標,以做為永續社區經營效率的提升、服務品質增強之參考。 本研究使用量化與質性研究法,以高雄市近五年績優社區發展協會作為研究物件,共34個社區。資料搜集包括兩方面:一為量化資料,針對34個社區進行問卷調查,正式有效問卷共167份,回收率52%。量化研究結果發現與國內其他學者差異不大。二為質性資料,包括1.「社區焦點團體座談」,對象選取包括四個績優社區幹部、高雄市社會局人員、區公所里幹事與專家學者共同參與座談;2.「深度訪談」選取六個社區幹部作為訪談對象,以了解社區實務工作者對於能力相關的看法進行對話與討論。 本研究在量化部份的結果發現,社區工作者應具備之能力如下,第一優先為「評估與計畫」,其次,第二優先為「發展專業能力」、第三優先為「溝通與參與」、第四優先為「與機構合作」與「干預與提供服務」、第六為「促進與使能」。 本研究在質性訪談結果發現高雄市社區工作遭遇的問題包含:社區經費不足的問題,社區財務管理問題,行政業務處理的問題,欠缺年輕人的投入,以及公部門社區業務是最不受重視等。研究發現社區實務工作者應該具備的能力分為一、個人能力:概念性能力、行政管理能力、執行能力、人力資源管理能力;二、社區能力:行動能力、自我評估能力、資源統整能力、永續經營能力。 本研究發現社區實務工作者的相關服務知能有待培力、另外透過成熟社區經驗傳承與合作與社區資產運用來達成社區永續的目標。研究亦發現社區實務工作者有高齡化的趨勢,面臨沒有年輕人接棒的情形嚴重,是目前最大的困境。


Abstract: This study explored concepts as capability construction of community, ability of sustainable operation of community. The purpose of this study was to discuss the competencies indexes for community practitioners in Kaohsiung City in order to promote the efficiency of sustainable community organizing and enhance the quality of service. Based on quantitative and qualitative research methods, this study took Community Development Associations developed with remarkable achievements over the past five years in Kaohsiung as its object which altogether contains 34 communities. Materials were collected in two ways: the first is quantitative data collected by conducting questionnaire targeting 34 communities, in which formal and effective questionnaires are 167 with recovery rate of 52%. Results of quantitative research in this study have no significant difference with that of other domestic scholars. The second is qualitative data collected through “Discussion of Focus Groups in Communities” in which four excellent leaders from communities, personnel with social departments of Kaohsiung, secretaries with administrative office of communities and experts and scholars participated and “Depth Interview” which chose six leaders from communities as objects in order to have dialogues and discussions on practitioners’ understanding of topics relevant to capability. The finding of quantitative analysis indicated that community workers require following competencies: The first priority is,”evaluating & planning”, the second is “developing professional abilities”, the third is “communicating & involvement”, the forth is “cooperation with organization” and “intervention & providing service”, the last is “promotion & empowerment”. In the study, it’s found by results of qualitative interview that implementation of work in communities in Kaohsiung is mainly faced with problems in terms of insufficient funds, financial management, handling of administrative operation, lack of investment of young people, least emphasis put on operation of public departments, etc. The study classified capabilities of practitioners working in communities into personal capability, i.e. conceptual capability, administrative management capability, implementation capability and human resource management capability and communities capability, i.e. action capability, self-evaluation capability, resource integration capability and sustainable operation capability. This study also found that practitioners’ relevant knowledge on service in communities needs to be cultivated and sustainable objectives for communities need to be realized through learning from experience of mature communities, cooperating with them and operating funds of communities. What’s more, the study discovered that the most difficult situation communities are facing currently is that aging has become a tendency while no young people carry forward the work.


