  • 學位論文


Vegetation Analysis of the Natural and Artificial Forest Types of No. 23 Forest Compartment in Hengchun Working Circle

指導教授 : 楊勝任


本研究區位於林務局轄屬屏東縣牡丹鄉內屏東林區管理處恆春事業區第23林班,面積為288.37 ha,為林相變更之區域,歷年樟樹及相思樹造林,造林面積達191 ha,本研究目的為瞭解本區域停止人工撫育之次生林與天然林之植相組成、植物社會與環境變數的關係和目前的演替階段等差異性。本研究沿調查路線共設置44個400 m2樣區,並量測13項環境變數。樣區使用雙向指標種分析、降趨對應分析進行植物社會分類。並以主成份分析、冗餘分析了解物種組成與環境變數關係;再藉由Monte Carlo顯著性測試主要梯度軸與顯著的環境因子,解釋植物社會與環境變數間的關係。為了解森林各層植群優勢度變化,以優勢度-多樣性曲線及重要值分層排序。研究區內共紀錄了365種維管束植物,其中有12種為稀有植物。樣區共區分出大頭茶-臺灣楊桐型、星刺拷-小葉白筆型、水冬瓜-紅果椌木型、大葉樹蘭-九丁榕型、台灣光臘樹-稜果榕型等5個植物社會型。使用主成份分析得知1與2軸具顯著性,海拔與林分指數、草本層覆蓋度、經營程度、喬木層覆蓋度等影響本區植物社會分化最主要原因。依優勢度-多樣性曲線及重要值排序顯示造林樹種仍存在於林班內,但東南氣候區特徵種亦為本研究區內優勢種。研究區內人工林型已逐漸由次生林後期階段轉變為天然林階段。


The total study area is 288.37 ha, located in the forest compartments No. 23 of Hengchun working circle, Mudan Township, Pingtung County, Pingtung Forest District, Forest Bureau. In this section of Forest conversion, the afforestation area of Cinnamoun camphora and Acacia confuse was up to 191 ha from the past to now. The aiws of This study were to investigate the floristic structure of natural forests and artifical forests ceasing stand tending, explore the relationships between the plant distribution and environmental variables, and research on the current sere. Forty four plots (400 m2 each) were set up and investigated. Thirteen environmental variables were estimated for each plot. The vegetation was classified by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). The relationships between species and environmental variables were analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Furthermore, the significance levels of the eigenvalues of the gradient axes and environment variables were tested by Monte Carlo permutation. By dominance-diversity cruves and the important-value index rank realize the dominance change of each level of vegetation, 365 kinds of vascular plants including 12 rare species were found. The vegetations were classified into five types by PCA, Gordonia axillaris-Adinandra formosana type, Castanopsis fabri-Symplocos modesta type, Saurauia tristyla v. oldhamii-Dysoxylum hongkongense type, Aglaia elliptifolia-Ficus nervosa type and Fraxinus griffithii-Ficus septica type. The axis one and two are significant. The main variables to the floristic variations are altitude, stands index, the herb coverage, the degree of management and the canopy coverage. Dominance-diversity cruves and important-value index rank showed the tree species for plantation were still alive in forest compartment, and the dominant species in south-east climatic region also were the characteristic species in this area. The plantations in this area are transforming from the later phase of secondary forests into natural forests.


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