  • 學位論文


The program of Rural Community Reconstruction Case Study on Lingya Tribe Indigenous Peoples Area

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


伴隨著現代工業的發展,傳統的農業活動逐漸沒落,大量青年勞動人力流往城市。傳統農村失去了原有的活力,取而代之的是人口老化、軟硬體設備的缺乏、教育資源短缺等社會問題。農村的未來已不再受國人所重視,這些都是當今農業村落所需面對的重大問題。 2007年全球性金融海嘯對各大產業產生了巨大衝擊,台灣的半導體以及其他高科技產業均受到嚴重影響,許多人在一夕之間失去了工作,這些失業的青壯年回流至農村,農村遂成為吸納失業人口的緩衝帶。農村再生計畫為馬蕭政府所推出的愛台十二項建設之一,許多偏遠貧窮的農村社區都期待藉由農村再生條例讓失去活力的農村能再度恢復生機,原住民部落亦是如此。基於農村再造、增進社區活力與社區永續發展等理念,本文針對德武苓雅部落為研究對象,提出並執行一系列的研究計畫與概念。人口統計變數及遊客旅遊特性分析顯示,遊客年齡層主要以21~50歲青壯年為主,到休閒農業區住宿以住宿一夜最多,多與家人同行住宿3~4人房,平均每人每晚房價約501~800元,屬二天一夜的旅遊型態。 德武苓雅部落為一人口數不足五百的小型農村,由過往公部門於部落中各發展計畫的執行中,本文發現了下列幾個問題並針對內容提出較新較適合本部落的農村再生計畫。 一、國家對原住民政策從過去到現在,從未認真思考如何解決部落發展 上的難題,在許多重大農業發展計畫制定上也鮮少將原住民納入其 中做整體考量。 二、國家在不同時期對於農村建設計畫均承襲過去的模式,一味將硬體 導入農村,期許透過硬體建設,帶動農村的產業轉型卻忽略了人力 與軟性資源的重要性,使得計畫本身無法完全發揮其原有的預期效 果。 三、農村再生及社區再造運動的執行過程中,參與的原住民往往因教育 水準低落、資訊設備的低普及率以及缺乏社區凝聚共識等不利因 素,使其難以申請非原民會外的資源補助。 四、農委會執行機關的工程思維不符合農村再造計畫的主軸思想,使得 農村再生計畫漸漸偏離原先的初衷,大大降低計畫的幫助效益而無 助於農村產業的活化。 提出的問題點做觀察與研究,一個無法兼顧傳統生活及當代政治體系的尷尬處境,政府單位所提出的農村再生計畫缺乏全盤性的考量,缺乏以原民做為發展主軸的再生計畫反而使部落再度走向政策依賴,德武部落的發展在國家政策的介入下,所製造的問題更甚其他農村,本文期許此研究內容能為其他相關問題的探索提供另一面。 關鍵字:農村再生計畫、原住民


Accompanying with thrive of contemporary industry, the activity of traditional agriculture is poor than before. Thus a lot of labors, originate from country, had moved to city to search the better job. Lacking of hardware, labors and educational resource have caused the deficiency of activity of tribe and series of problems to country. Therefore, envision of agriculture is not valuate by the civilian anymore. Those issues are most important things that we must to deal with. The global financial turmoil had greatly impacted the industry around the world in 2007. The semiconductor industry and noble technique industry are, especially in Taiwan, facing seriously setback. And many people lost their work. Therefore, they turn to country to, country seems to be a transient shelter for them, seek the chance and break. The rural community reconstruction is one of national developing tactics proposed by our government. According to the clauses in project, the chance for country to recover their vigor seems has coming. On the point of view, the writer had proposed the suitable community reconstruction program and try to fulfill it in Lingya tribe hoping can ameliorate the life of residents. Lingya tribe is a tiny country with only about 500 population. Thus, it is quite hard to execute the big project in here. Through the previous reconstruction executed by government in our tribe we had learned the several possible problems which may influence our proposed project. First, aboriginal is seldom be involved in our national development program. Secondly, the government only pays their attention on hardware and ignores the other construction like educational or cultural construction in tribe. Thirdly, it is hard for aboriginal to get the admission of aid for community reconstruction owing to their low educational level and so on. Fourthly, the reconstruction program proposed by government is not suitable to our tribe. Consequently, for those reasons we deduce that the residents are facing an embarrassing situation for government’s project can’t help them to ameliorate their life. Thus we will try to proposed an suitable rural community reconstruction, the main role is aboriginal, to help our tribe residents to promote their income and change their life to better level. Keywords: Cultural Construction, Rural Community Construction


