  • 期刊


An Analysis of Party Interaction from Roll-call Votes in Taiwan's Legislative Yuan: The Third Term to the Fifth Term of the Legislative Yuan


台灣近年來歷經多次選舉,政黨數目、席次與角色隨著每次選舉結果而有所改變,進而牽動國會中政黨之間的結盟與對抗。本文想要回答的問題為:政黨數目與大小的改變,特別是執政黨,對於政黨的互動產生何種影響呢?又多數政府和少數政府對於政黨互動模式產生何種影響呢? 本文提出三個假設:一、在多數政府時期,若執政黨和反對黨的席次總和差距愈接近,則愈容易產生朝野對抗的互動模式;二、少數政府比多數政府更容易出現朝野對抗的互動型態;三、在少數政府時期,若多黨體系中出現支持執政黨的政黨,且雙方陣營勢力相當時,比在國會中有一個過半的在野黨或在野聯盟席次超過半數甚多,更容易出現朝野對抗的情況。執政黨(聯盟)所占席次比與朝野對抗程度的關係,在多數政府時期,若執政黨(聯盟)占國會席次的比率愈高,則朝野對抗的程度就愈低;而在少數政府時期,若執政黨(聯盟)占國會席次的比例愈接近過半數,則朝野對抗的程度就愈高。 為了驗證上述假設,本文選擇以院會記名投票作為資料來源,並用政黨投票來做為認定政黨立場的標準,採取百分之五十的成員有一致的立場即代表該政黨的立場。透過歷屆院會記名投票的資料分析,本文的三個假設皆得到了印證。


This article attempts to answer the following questions. First, what influence does the change of party number and party sizes have on the party interaction in the Legislative Yuan? Second, how majority government and minority government affect the party interaction model in the Legislative Yuan? After reviewing related literatures, this article proposes three hypotheses: (1) Under a majority government, party confrontations would happen more frequently when the number of seats of the ruling party is closer to that of the opposition parties. (2) Under a minority government, party confrontations would happen more frequently when the number of seats of the ruling party is closer to that of opposition parties. (3) Conflicts between the ruling and opposition party happen more frequently under a minority situation than under a majority government situation. The data of roll-call votes in the Legislative Yuan were analyzed. The results generally confirmed our hypotheses. Therefore, we would conclude that the number seats of the ruling party would affect the frequency of conflicts happening in the legislature, and a minority government has more possibility than a majority government to lead to such a conflict situation.


